Margaret Mitchell
Wrote "gone by the wind"
Social Security Act
Established gut funding for unemployed and elderly
Roosevelts Three R's
Recovery, Reform, Relief
- Most far reaching of all New Deal
- (Tennessee Valley Authority)
Farces Perkins
1st woman in Cabinet
John Steinbeck
Grapes of Wrath
Clarence Day
Wrote Life With Father
Potsdam Declaration
Issued upon unconditional surrender
Navajo code talkers
indians helped US with secret messages
Lend-Lease act
Helped GB buy from US on credit
Selective Service Act
16-65, to register for draft
Neutrality Act of 1937
People paid cash, no credit
Nuremberg, Germany
Nazi Trial Locations
Fighting Red Tails
Sunk a german destroyer (black US fighter Pilots)
Czecheslovakia (germany Stole)
Battle of the Coral Sea
1st battle where they didnt see eachother
UN charter
Drafted in San Francisco
- Atomic Bomb
- August 6, 1945
Base of Japanese Defenses
Battle of Midway
Turning point in the war
Agricultural Adjustment Act
reduced food supply raising food prices
The good Neighbor Policy
US and Latin American Friendship
Huey Long
Opposed New Deal
John Maynard Keynes
FDR adopted his policies for the new Deal
Emergency banking Relief Act
Gave the President power with Banks
Vidkin Quisling
Nazi Puppet Government
Claire Chennault
led "flying Tigers" in China
Erwin Rommel
Led Africa Korps (desert Fox)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Landslide win in 1932
- (more than 2 consecutive terms)
Jimmy Doolittle
Led bombing of Tokyo and Japanese Cities
John Lewis
Head of United Mine Workers - CIO
Herbert Hoover
- Secretary of Commerce under Harding.
- blamed for the depression.
Kate Smith
God bless America
Thronton Wilder
Playwright "our Town"
Cordell Hull
US secretary of State
The New Deal
Recommendations for economic recovery
Luft Waffe
German Air force
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, Japan
21st Amendment
Legalized sale of liquor
6 million Jews were killed
V-E day, V-J day
- ve may 8 1945
- vj sept 2 1945
Manhatten Project
Atomic Bomb, Largest Project.
Charles de Gaulle
Leader of Free French
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of GB during World war II
Adolf Hitler
- German Communist leader
- Dur Feurer
Douglas MacArthur
- Commander in Philippines
- US Against Japan
Francisco France
Dictator of Spain
Haile Selassie I
Ethiopian Emperor
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Commander of Allies in Europe
Benito Mussolini
Italy Fascist Dictator
Joseph Stalin
Soviet, Communist leader, succeeded lenin.