Emerging Adulthood: Hallmark
Separating from family of origin & becoming an adult yourself
2 Important Functions of Emerging Adulthood
- Develop a clear sense of identity
- Develop the capacity for intimacy (moving away from relationships you know & need to initiate your own; people can leave if they're not happy; starting to think ab. marriage)
- The person gets to see themselves separate from their family of origin
- Similar to differentiation (I'm sep. from you; Balance self-interest & interest of others; Ability to listen)
- Different from differentiation (Lifelong process)
- Failure to Launch as an example
Functional Autonomy
- The ability to manage your life affairs/your own space
- ie- Do your laundry, make breakfast, go shopping, etc.
Financial Autonomy
- The ability to completely support yourself
- Varying degrees of this
Psychological Autonomy
The ability to make decisions on your own
- Being out of balance w/ nature
- ie- you're supposed to move out & launch. If you're late to do that, you're off time.
Indicators of Individuation
The degree to which adults are emotionally dependent or emotionally receptive to their family of origin
Emotional Dependence
Excessive need for approval from your family of origin
Emotional Reactivity
The degree of conflictual feelings (guilt/anxiety/mistrust) that exist
Age at Marriage
- 1970s: 20.8 for women & 23.2 for men
- 2005: 25.3 for women & 27.1 for men
- Rates of never marrieds (by age 34) have quadruled since 1970
Stimulus Value-Role (SVR) Theory
- Mustein
- 1. Stimulus stage (physical appearance/social standing)
- 2. Value stage (similar goals/values/beliefs)
- 3. Role stage (commitment result of compatible role expectations/performance)
6-Stage Model
- Lewis
- 1. Similarities (attraction)
- 2. Rapport
- 3. Mutual Self-Disclosure (talk ab the world & your opinions)
- 4. Empathy
- 5. Interpersonal Role Fit (how well your roles are compatible with the other person's)
- 6. Dyadic Crystallization (development of roles/identity as a couple)
Social Exchange Persepective
- Relationships are economies. They're based on give & take
- Rewards- time, energy, gifts
- Costs- time, energy, money. Women tend to have more b/c we're socialized to be relational
- Balance of rewards/costs is referred to as the level of outcomes
- Interpersonal attraction
- Comparison Level
- Comparison level for alternatives CLalt
Level of Outcomes
Outcomes = rewards - costs
Interpersonal Attraction
- Part of social exchange perspective
- Filters/outcomes
- Your family will instill filters in you & you'll use them to narrow a "pool of eligibles"
- Reflect the characterstics we believer to be necessary in a lifetime companion
Comparison Level (CL)
- Part of social exchange perspective
- **What you expect in this relationship**
- Standards against which the relationship is judged
- Determines who you find attractive and the relationship qualities we like
- Can be affected by other relationships we've seen (like our parents')
Comparison Level for Alternatives (CLalt)
- Part of social exchange perspective
- **What you could expect in another relationship**
- Outcomes we'd expect from another relationship based on our current relationship
- Affected by level of satisfaction in your relationship, how you see other relationships, and your self-esteem
Turning Points / Negotiations
- Either lead to deeper levels of intimacy/involvement or end of relationship
- Done thru conversations or secret tests
- Comes in as part of the deeper levels of intimacy
- Negotiate new rules/expectations
- Degree to which we come to rely on our partner for relationship outcomes
- Needs to be balanced!
- Looking for the "house of cards" metaphor, where both members are leaning on each other
- Aka- "high mutual dependence"
- Enables each partner to act in the best interest of the other
- Accomplishes the "house of cards" metaphor
- What you do affects each other
"Internal Working Model"
- Bowlby
- How we think relationships work
- How worthy we think we are
- How much we trust other people
Secure Attachment
- Looking for another secure person
- Know you can trust others
- Consistent early care
- Still separate people, know what they contribute, Are will to contribute
Avoidant Attachment
- Can't trust anyone to meet needs
- Might look for another avoidant person- will both take care of their own needs
- Neglectful early care
Anxious-Ambivalent Attachment
- Inconsistent early care
- Clinginess & suspicion