Anatomy Exam I

  1. What regions make up the upper limb?
    • pectoral region
    • shoulder
    • axilla
    • elbow
    • forearm
    • wrist
    • hand
  2. The should girdle is made up of __________ . What does it do?
    • manubrium of the sternum
    • R& L scapulae
    • R&L clavicles
    • the girdle connects the upper limb to the trunck
  3. What are venae comitantes?
    • deep veins that accomnpany major arteries
    • all EXcept the axillary vein are paired
  4. The origin and termination of any blood vessel are always described ______________
    1) Arteries
    2) Veins
    • in terms of the course of blood flow through the vessel
    • 1) Arteries originate proximally and terminated distally
    • 2) Veins originate distally and terminated proximally
  5. Superficial veins of the upper limb from
    • palmar digital veins ->intercapitular veins->dorsal digital vein->dorsal metacarpal veins->dorsal venous
    • arch-> cephalic vein & basilic vein
  6. What is the retromammary space?
    an area of loose CT btwn the breast and the deep fascia, with little/ no fat
  7. What are 3 characteristic of the nipple
    • 1) they are conical/ cylindrical prominence located in the center of the areola
    • 2) tip of the nipple is fissured & contains an opening of the lacitiferous ducts
    • 3) composed of circularly arranged smooth muscles
  8. What is Cooper's ligament?
    suspensory ligaments that firmly attach the upper portion of breast to the skin
  9. What is the location of the breast
    • vertically from 2-6th rib,medial to lateral from the sternum to the mid-axillary line 2/3 of the breast rest
    • on the pectoralis major
    • rest 1/3 covers the serratus anterior
  10. Describe the areolae of the breast?
    it is the pigmented part of the breast which contians sebaceous glands
  11. The arterial supply of the breast? The nerve supply?
    • internal mammary gland ( thoracic artery)->principal blood supply
    • lateral thoracic artery
    • intercostal arteries
    • thoraco-acromial branches
    • nerve supplied by lateral & anterior cutaneous branches 2-6 mainly 4-6th intercostal nerves
  12. What are the layers of the scalp?
    • Skin
    • Close subcutaneous tissue
    • Aponeurosis
    • Loose subaponeurotic tissue
    • Pericranium
  13. What happens when the upper limb is adducted and then abduct above the horizon?
    • 1) greater tubercle of the humerous approximates the acromion
    • 2) arm reached horizon the serratus anterior contracts
    • 3) rotation of entire scapula
    • 4) acromion moves medially out of the way of the greater tubercle of the humerous
    • 5) humerus then can abduct above the horizon
  14. What is the costocoracoid membrane? What pierces the costocoracoid membrane?
    • costocoracoid membrane is the part of the clavipectoral fascia btwn the upper margin of the pectoralis minor & subclavius
    • cephalic vein
    • thoracoacromial trunck
    • lateral pectoral nerve
Card Set
Anatomy Exam I
Bare Bones 231-236