English Vocab 90-120

  1. impregnable
    not to be takenby force, unconquerable
  2. impugn
    • to challenge as false
    • cast doubt upon
  3. inauspicious
    • unlucky
    • ill-omened
    • unfavorable
  4. incipient
    • just starting to be or happen
    • beginning
  5. incisive
    • remarkably clear and direct
    • sharp
    • penetrating
  6. incorrigible
    bad beyond correction or reform
  7. indecorous
    • violating generally accepted standards of good tasteor propriety
    • indecent
    • improper
    • inappropriate
  8. indefatigable
    incapable of being tired out
  9. innocuous
    • harmless
    • inoffensive
    • not interesting
  10. inscrutable
    • incapable of being investigated, analyzed
    • impenetrable
  11. insipid
    without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities
  12. intonate
    to utter with a particular tone or modulation of voice
  13. intractable
    • not easily controlled
    • not easily controlled or directed
  14. intrinsic
    • belonging to a thing by its very nature
    • natural
  15. inveigh
    to protest strongly with words
  16. inveterate
    • firmly established by long continuance
    • habit
  17. irascible
    • easily provoked to anger
    • very irritable
  18. Jettison
    • to throw away as an obstacle or burden
    • abandon
  19. juncture
    • the act of joining
    • a point of time made critical or important bya concurrence of circumstances
    • crisis
  20. juxtapose
    to place side by side, for comparison or contrast
  21. laconic
    • using few words
    • expressing much in few words
  22. lampoon
    a sharp satire directed against an individual or institution
  23. largess
    • generous bestowal of gifts
    • generosity
  24. lassitude
    • physical or mental weariness
    • a condition of indolent indifference
  25. lethargy
    an abnormal lack of energy, esp as the result of a disease
  26. lithe
    • bending readily
    • flexible
  27. lurid
    • gruesome
    • horrible
    • revolting
  28. malevolent
    • wishing evil or harm to another or others
    • evil
  29. maudlin
    • tearfully or weakly emotional
    • foolishly sentimental
  30. meander
    • take a winding or indirect course
    • to wander aimlessly
    • ramble
Card Set
English Vocab 90-120
3/11/11 test