Bio 3/7

  1. Circulatory System
    • - From lower body into heart and upper body into heart
    • - Right Atrium --> right Ventricle --> Lungs --> Left atrium --> Left Ventricle --> Upper & lower body
  2. Heart Chambers
    • (4) Venntricles (L & R)
    • Atria (L & R)
  3. Valve
    • Valve that prevent back-flow of blood.
    • 1. Tricuspid
    • 2. Mitral (LA-LV)
    • 3. Pulmonary Artery (Pulmonic Valve)
    • 4. Aortic Valve
  4. Murmur
    when valve doesnt work properly, Murmur occurs, not giving enough oxgen to body.
  5. Veins name
    • Superior vena cava (from upper body)
    • Inferior vena cava (from lower body)
    • Pulmonary- vein carries blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.
    • Aorta - distributes oxygenated blood to all parts of the body through the systemic circulation.[
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Bio 3/7
Bio 3/7