1. 1. Which of the following is not a normal component of the blood?

    • A. neurons
    • are not a component of blood
  2. 2. The blood has all of the following properties except _____.

    B. less viscose than water
  3. 3. About what percent of body weight is the blood?

    A. 8%
  4. 4. What percent of total blood can a healthy adult donate each time without adverse effects?

    A. 10%
  5. 5. Which two of the following are functions of the blood?
    1) transport of nutrients, 2) production of hormones , 3) protection, 4) respiration, 5) reproduction of sperm

    B. 1 and 3
  6. 6. What percent of the blood is plasma?

    D. ~50%
  7. 7. Plasma contains the following proteins except ___.

    A. hemoglobin
  8. 8. The functions of plasma proteins do not include ___.

    A. transport of oxygen
  9. 9. Which of the following cells is not present in the blood?

    A. macrophages
  10. 10. Which of the following cell type is the most abundant among all blood cells ?

    B. erythrocytes
  11. 11. ABO blood type is determined by specific glycoproteins (agglutinogens) which are located on ___.

    A. plasma membrane or erythrocyes
  12. 12 Type AB blood contains ___.

    A) A agglutinogens plus B agglutinins
    B) both A and B agglutinogens plus both A and B agglutinins
    C) A agglutinogens
    D) O agglutinogens plus A and B agglutinins
    E) B agglutinogens and A agglutinins
    C. A aggluinogens
  13. 13. What happens when a type AB blood is transfused into the blood stream of a type B person?

    B. agglutination of the recipient’s erythrocytes
    C. aggregation of the donor’s erythrocytes with the recipient’s erythrocytes
    D. aggregation of the donor’s leukocytes with the recipient’s leukocytes
    E. agglutination of the donor’s leukocytes
    A. agglutination of the donor’s erythrocytes
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1-13 review questions