
  1. Jahss 1st MPJ Dislocation/Hyperextension
    • I doral dislocation w/ ISL intact (rigid)
    • II A dorsal dislocation w/ ISL ruptured (easy to reduce)
    • II B dorsal dislocation w/ ISL intact & sesamoid Fx (rigid)
  2. Quenu & Kuss Tarsometatarsal Fx/dislocation (Lis Franc's)
    • A = Homolateral total icongruity (all mets dislocate lateral or dorsoplantar)
    • B = Isolateral partial incongruity: B1 = Medial; B2= Lateral dislocation
    • C = Divergent; C1= partial displcmnt (1st met & not all toes) ; C2= Total displcmnt (1st & all toes)
  3. Watson-Jones Navicular Fx
    • Type I = Medial Tuberosity
    • Type II = Dorsal Lip (Fx of the avulsion type)
    • Type III = Transverse Body (Fx through body)
  4. Rowe Calcaneal Fx Classification 6 Extra Articular Fx's
    • IA Tuberosity
    • IB Sustentaculum Tali
    • IC Anterior Process
    • IIA Beak of Post Calc (no achilles involvement)
    • IIB Achilles Avulsion Fx of the Post Calc
    • III Extra Articular body only
  5. Rowe Calcaneal Fx Classification 3 Intra Articular
    • IV Body articular w/ no depression
    • VA Body articular w/ comminuted depression
    • VB Body articular w/ comminuted and severe depression
  6. Sander's Calcaneous CT Classification
    • Type I = Any non-displaced intra-articular Fx
    • Type II = 1 Fx through post facet (creating 2 frags, A-B-C)
    • Type III = 2 Fx through post facet (3 frags)
    • Type IV = > or = 3 Fx's
  7. Esses-Lopresti Calcaneus
    • A - Tongue type, talus driven down primary Fx at Gissanes critical angle, possible Fx out post calc
    • B - Joint Depression type posterior force, worse prognosis, primary Fx same as A, possible secondary around post facet
  8. Hawkin's Talar Neck Groups (NSAT)
    • I Neck Fx, no STJ dis, AJ dis or TN dis
    • II Neck Fx, STJ dis, NO AJ dis or TN dis
    • III Neck Fx, STJ dis, AJ dis, NO TN dis
    • IIII Neck Fx, STJ dis, AJ dis, TN dis
  9. Two main blood supplies to the Talar Body
    Deltoid Branch & Artery of Tasal Tunnel off the Post Tib artery

    Artery of the Tarsal Sinus off the Perforating Peroneal Artery
  10. Berndt-Hardy Talar Dome
    I - compression (cartilage is intact)

    II - Partially non-detached

    III - Complete non-detached

    IV - Complete w/ displaced (migrates)
  11. Gustilo & Anderson Open Fx
    • I - Less than 1 cm / clean
    • II - More than 1cm / clean
    • III - Extensive (contaminated)
    • A - Adequate soft tissue to cover bone
    • B - Soft tissue loss, w/ bone exposed
    • C - Injury needing microvascular repair
  12. Salter-Harris = physeal Fx
    • Type 1 - Transverse shift (Same)
    • Type 2 - + metaphyseal (Above)
    • Type 3 - + epiphyseal (Lower)
    • Type 4 - Meta & Physeal (Through)
    • Type 5 - Compression (Really Bad!)
    • Type 6 - Edge
    • Type 7 - Intrarticular chip
  13. Lauge-Hansen Ankle Fx (%)
    SADD = 20%

    PABD = 5%

    SER = 70%

    PER = 5%
  14. Lauge-Hansen Ankle Fx SADD
    I - Lat Lig or Trans Fib

    II - Vert Tib

    III - N/A

    IV - N/A
  15. Lauge-Hansen Ankle Fx PABD
    I - Delt or Trans Tib

    II - Ant Lig or Post Lig

    III - Butterfly Fib

    IV - N/A
  16. Lauge-Hansen Ankle Fx SER
    I - Ant Lig

    II - Spiral Fib Fx

    III - Post Lig, Volk

    IV - Delt or Trans Tib
  17. Lauge-Hansen Ankle Fx PER
    I - Delt or Trans Tib

    II - Ant Lig

    III - High Fib

    IV - Post Lig, Volk
  18. Lauge-Hansen Hallmarks
    Vertical Tibia = SADD II

    Butterfly Fib = PABD III

    Spiral Fib = SER II

    High Fib = PER II
  19. Danis-Weber Ankle (Fibula)
    A - Below Joint (SADD)

    B - At Joint (PABD, SER)

    C - Above Joint (PER)
  20. Peidatric Ankle Fx (Dias-Tachdjian)
    Supination - Inversion (SI)

    Supination - Plantarflexion (SP)

    Supination - External Rotation (SE)

    Pronation - Eversion - External Rotation (PEE)
  21. Tibial Pilon Fx Ruedi-Allgower
    Type I = minimal displacement

    Type II = significant displacement

    Type III = II & loss of cancellous bone
  22. Lauge-Hansen Pilon Fx
    Stage I - minimal compression

    Stage II - anterior fx

    Stage III - II & fibular Fx

    Stage IV - III & posterior Fx
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Test 1