philosophy test 1

  1. Briefly define the terms macroscopic and microscopic.
  2. Microscopic: small scale
    Macroscopic: large scale
  3. Briefly define the terms organic and inorganic.
  4. Organic: a living thing that can move itself
    Inorganic: a nonliving thing which cannot move itself (basic physical elements- solid, liquid, gas)
  5. Briefly define the terms nonsentient and sentient.
  6. Nonsentient: not having 5 senses; vegetative life- trees, plants, bushes
    Sentient: having 5 senses
  7. Briefly define the terms irrational and rational.
  8. Irrational: possessing reason but not using it
    Rational: possessing reason
  9. Short definition of Human Spirit
  10. Spirit is the power of unlimited self-transcendence
  11. Long definition of Human Spirit
  12. Spirit is the power to engage in creative recognition and attainment with mathematical infinity
  13. Our possession of human spirit manifests itself in our daily lives as our ability to engage in what two essential activities?
  14. 1. Reason
    2. Free Choice
  15. What is inference?
  16. Inference is reasoning which uses past experiences to solve a problem.
  17. What is empirical experience?
  18. Experience directly through the 5 senses
  19. What is transempirical experience?
  20. Experience indirectly through inference
  21. How do we verify our transempirical conclusions?
    Direct or indirect; experiential or experimental verification
  22. How do we verify our transempirical conclusions?
  23. Indirectly through inference
  24. What is the law of nothingness?
    From absolutely nothing comes nothing.
  25. What is the law of causality?
    Every effect has a cause.
  26. What is the law of resemblance?
    Every effect dimly resembles or reveals something about its cause
  27. Short & Long Definition of Absolute
    Short: total

    Long: free from limits
  28. Short & Long Definition of Relative
    Short: partial

    Long: bound by limits
  29. By what logical steps do theists verify their belief in God?
    Theists verify their belief in God by prior and predisposing personal experiences.
  30. How do lower order and higher order inferences differ?
  31. Lower Order: Uses science to experimentally manipulate physical matter to verify reality
    Higher Order: Cannot experimentally manipulate because they are spiritual matter, not physical.
  32. Definition of a Symbol
    Comparison based on similarities
  33. What is absolute nonbeing?
    Absolutely nothing, absolutely nonbeing has never happened because nothing would follow
  34. What is relative nonbeing?
    Possibility for there to be nothing.
  35. Why has absolute nonbeing never been able to prevail and swallow all contingent beings with annihilating nothingness?
    Absolute nonbeing is nothing, so it would never prevail.
  36. What is the difference between mathematical infinity and metaphysical infinity?
  37. Mathematical: potential (a real possibility), relative (partial and incomplete), temporal (involving time)
    Metaphysical: actual, absolute, total (complete), eternal (omnipresent being).
  38. What law of reasoning does our power of reasoning use when it chooses an appropriate symbol for an invisible cause?
    The law of resemblance
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philosophy test 1