Health Assessment

  1. What are the vital signs?
    • temperature
    • pulse
    • respiration
    • blood pressure
    • pain
  2. What is the normal range for oral temperature? What are the deviations for axillary and rectal?
    • Normal: 98.6F
    • Axillary: one degree lower
    • Rectal/Tympanic: one degree higher
  3. Where is the apical pulse?
    • at the apex of the heart
    • at the 5th ICS LMCL
    • also known as the mitral area
  4. What is normal respirations?
    • 12-20/minute
    • Brady-slow
    • tachy-fast
  5. What is normal blood pressure?
  6. What does pulse oximetry monitor?
    oxygen saturation in arterial capillary blood.
  7. What is the normal pulse rate?
    Normal: 60-100bpm
  8. What is subjective data?
    what the client tells you
  9. What is objective data?
    factual information obtained through the physical examination.
  10. What are the techniques of physical assessment?
    • Inspection
    • Ausculatation
    • Percussion
    • Palpation
  11. What are the ABCDs of melanoma?
    • A - asymmetry
    • B - border
    • C - color
    • D - diameter
    • E - elevation
  12. What is jaundice?
    • yellowish tint of skin
    • observe eye color
    • levels suggests liver disease or excesssive hemolysis of RBCs
  13. What is turgor and does does it check for?
    pinch the skin above the sternoclavicular junction to assess the skin's moisture level. If skin "tents", patient lacks moisture.
Card Set
Health Assessment
health assessment