NS110 Midterm

  1. Basic Conditioning Factors
    • 1. Age
    • 2. Gender
    • 3. Developmental State
    • 4. Relevant life experience
    • 5. Health care system
    • 6. Health state
    • 7. Socio-cultural orientation
    • 8. Available Resources
  2. Power Components
    • specific abilities required to engage in self-care
    • 1. Aware of self and surrounding
    • 2. Physical energy to carry out self-care actions
    • 3. Ability to control body position and movements
    • 4. Ability to reason
    • 5. Motivation
    • 6. Ability to make and implement decisions regarding self-care
    • 7. Ability to acquire, retain and utilize knowledge: good attention span, short term memory, long term memory
    • 8. Repetoire of skills
    • 9. Ability to order self care actions
    • Ability to perform self care actions consistently and to fit them into person, family and community life
  3. Universal Self-Care Requisite Assesment Components
    • 1. Air
    • 2. Water
    • 3. Food
    • 4. Elimination
    • 5. Activity/Rest
    • 6. Social/solitude
    • 7. Prevention of hazards
    • 8. Promotion of normalcy
  4. DSCR
    Those associated with the developmental process and events occurring throughout the lifecycle
  5. Developmental Self-Care Requisite Assessment Components

    • 1. Environment: physical setting, people, economic and social components
    • 2. Age
    • 3. Education
    • 4. Present knowledge, skills, attitudes and ability to aqcuire the following developmental stages
  6. Developmental Self-Care Requisite Assessment Components

    • 1. Educational deprivation
    • 2. Problems of social adaptation
    • 3. Failure of individuation
    • 4. Loss of relatives, friends, associates
    • 5. Loss of occupational security and or possesions
    • 6. Abrupt change of residence to an unfamiliar environmental
    • 7. Status-associated problems
    • 8. Poor health or disability
    • 9. Oppressive living conditions
    • 10. Terminal illness and impending death
    • 1. Each individual is a psycho-socio-biological being who is rational and responsible for himself/herself.
    • 2. Each individual exists in an environment that contains biological, physical, psychological and social components. Each individual is constantly in interaction with his/her environment.
    • 3. Health is a dynamic state of wholeness or integrity of the individual.
    • 4. All persons must meet certain conditions to maintain life and well-being. Human beings require continuous inputs to themselves and their environment to remain alive and functioning.
    • 5. Individuals act deliberately in performing care for themselves and others in identifying needs for input and making needed inputs.
    • 6. Human beings experience limitations in ability to engage in the inputs for self and others for sustaining life and regulating function.
    • 7. Individuals, families and groups discover, develop and transmit to others ways and means to identify needs for and make inputs to self and others. (Orem, 1985)
  8. Self-Care
    the practice of activities that individuals initiate and perform on their own behalf to maintain life, health and well-being
  9. Self-Care Agency (SCA)
    • the ability of an individual to initiate and perform activities for himself/herself to maintain life health and well-being
    • (Human agency is the power to act deliberately.)
  10. Self-Care Agent
    the person providing the self-care
  11. Dependent-Care Agent
    the provider of infant care, childcare or dependent adult care
  12. Self-Care Requisites (SCR)
    purposes or goals to be attained through the practice of self-care three types of requisites are identified universal, developmental and health-deviation.
Card Set
NS110 Midterm
Theory, Process, Professionalism, and Safety