Zoo Exam 2 Review

  1. Phylum Plathelminthes has how many classes & what are they?
    4; Turbellaira, Trematoda, Cestoda, Monogenea
  2. Which phylum is known as flat worms and which are known as ribbion worms?
    • Flat=Plathelminthes
    • Ribbion=Nemertea
  3. List 3 differences of Phylum Nemertea compared to Phylum Plathelminthes:
    • 1. presence of probiscis
    • 2. complete digestive tract
    • 3. blood vascular sys.
  4. For the following parasites name methods likely to prevent/control them:
    a. Clonorchis (liver Fluke)
    b. Schistosoma (blood fluke)
    c. Taenia (beef tapeworm)
    d. Ascaris
    e. Wuchereia (filarial worms)
    f. Trichinella
    g. Cercaria (trematoda)
    • a: fully cooking food & treating sewage
    • b: treating sewage
    • c: fully cooking food & treating sewage
    • d: treating sewage
    • e: sprayong insectaside
    • f: fully cooking meat
    • g: fully cooking meat
  5. all classes except one that belong to the Phylum Plathelminthes are parasitic. Name which are parasitic.
    Trematoda, Cestoda, Monogenea
  6. In Trematodas Who are intermediate hosts & who are definitive hosts?
    • intermediate= snails
    • definative= vertebrate (humans)
  7. List 4 characteristics of the Phylum Plathelminthes:
    • gastrovascular cavity
    • pharynx for ingesting food
    • digestion/absorbtion of food in intestine & diverticula
    • longitudinal nerve cords & cerebral ganglia
  8. In Cestodas who are the intermediate & definative hosts?
    • intermediate= sheep, humans
    • definative= wolves/dogs
  9. Why are sensory sys better developed in Planarians than flukes & tapeworms?
    b/c they're free-living
  10. What do Monogeneas use for attatchment?
  11. What do Cestodas use for attatchment?
  12. Outter Covering of a nematode assisting in movment is ?
  13. This worm emerges from large intestine at night to lay eggs on the skin around anus ?
    Enterobius (pinworm)
  14. Parasitic juvenilles burst out of host after host is near water ?
  15. Phylum Containing Acaris, Enterobius, Necator, Trichinella ?
  16. The pseudocole of Ascaris act as this when it assists in locomotion by creating a rigid tube ?
    hydrostatic organ
  17. This blood consuming nematode burrow through the skin when humans walk across infect soil ?
    Necator americanus (hookworm)
  18. This skeletal muscle inhabiting worm is the largest intracellular parasite ?
  19. Wind one of these worms around a stick to remove it from your body ?
    Dracanculus (guinea worm)
  20. 1. blood vascualr sys
    2. cysticercus
    3. free-living flat worms
    4. ribbon worms
    5. scolex
    a. cestoda
    b. Ctenophora
    c. Monogenea
    d. Nemertea
    e. Trematoda
    f. Turbellaria
    • 1. d.
    • 2. a.
    • 3. f.
    • 4. d.
    • 5. a.
  21. how many germ layers do bilaterians have?
    3, triploblastic
  22. The most complex digestive sys is most likely to be found in a _____ worm.

    A. large, free-living
  23. Phylum Nematoda have what as a hydrostatic organ?
  24. What kind of worm is spread by misquitoes and clog the lymphatic duct in humnas? What Phylum does this worm belong to?
    Filarial worms, Phylum Nematoda
  25. What is the most comon worm parasite in the U.S. & what phylum does it belong to?
    Pinworms, Phylum Nematoda
  26. Horsehair worms belong to what Phylum?
  27. a body divided into segments is termed ?
  28. Annelids & Sipuncula have what as hydrostatic organ?
  29. How does segmentation effect locomotion in worms?
    allows each segment to operate independently
  30. What do chemosynthetic bacteria do ?
    they make energy rich molecules for Fan/Feather worms (Polychaete)
  31. List 4 characteristics of Oligochaeta.
    • 1. Closed Circulatory Sys
    • 2. Gizzard & Chloragogue tissue
    • 3. Nephridia which act as kidney & get rid of wastes
    • 4. Monoecious (hermaphroditic)
  32. Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, & Hirudinians belong to what Phylum?
  33. Why are Oligochaeta important?
    • food chain
    • improve soil
    • fish bait
  34. What is the significance of Coelom & Metamerism?
    • hydrostatic organ
    • fluid can circulate gases, wastes & nutrients
    • specialization of segments
  35. List 3 characteristics of Peanut worms & tell what phylum they belong to.
    • coelom, but no segmentation
    • marine, benthic
    • deposite feeders
    • Phylum Sipunclua
  36. What are "minor lophophotrochozoans"?
    • have pseudocoel (rotifers & Ancanthocephala)
    • have lophophore (Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda & phronidia)
  37. Minor Lophotrochozoans include what 5 Phylums? (P. BEAR)
    Rotifera, Acanthocephala, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda, & Phoronidia
  38. What are two characteristics of Rotifers? How do they reproduce?
    • Corona
    • Mastax
    • parthogenesis by amictic females (asexual)
    • sexually by mictic females
  39. No digestive tract, intermediate host is arthropods, & endoparasitic in gut of vertebrate describes what Minor lophotrochozoan?
  40. Aquatic, colonial creatures made of zooids, that are tiny filter feeders who have a lophophore and includs bryozoans describes what Minor Lophotorochozoan?
    Phylum Ectoprocta
  41. Lamp shells are marine benthic creatures with 2 valves (dorsal & Ventral), this describes what Minor Lophotorchozoan Phylum?
    Phylum Brachiopoda
  42. List 4 characteristics of Molluscs.
    • reduced Coelom
    • open circulatory sys
    • trochophore larve
    • radula
  43. What are the 7 Classes of Molluscs? (M.P.S.C.Cs.B.G.)
    • Monoplachophora
    • Polyplachophora
    • Scaphopoda
    • Cephalopoda
    • Caudofoveata&Solenogastres
    • Bivalves
    • Gastropods
  44. What class of Molluscs have calcareous scales & ancestral body form?
    Class Caudofoveata & Solenogastres
  45. Tusk shell deposite feeders who burrow in substrae describes what Class of Molluscs?
    Class Scaphopdoda
  46. List 4 characteristics of the Mollusca Class Bivalvia.
    • sedentary filter feeders
    • water circulated over gills via siphon & cilia
    • labial palps transfer food to mouth
    • crystalin style in stomach
  47. Waht are Glonchidia larve and what do they do?
    They are Bivalvia which attatch to gills of fish for several weeks
  48. torsion, coiling & drilling holes in bivalves are characteristic of what class of Molluscs?
    Class Gastropods
  49. What are the 3 types of Gastropods?
    Prosobranchs, Opisthobranchs, & Pulmonates
  50. What are Cerata & Rhinophore? These are characteristic of what?
    • Cerata: another type of gill
    • Rhinophore: Posterior pair tentacles
    • Opisthobranchs, Class Gastropod
  51. what replaces gills in Pulmonates? What are Pulmonates? How many tentacles do they have?
    lung, a type of gastropod, 1-2 pair
  52. Where is venom produced in Cephalopods?
    Salivary Gland
  53. What is the function of the mantle in cehpalopods?
    pump water over gills
  54. What kind of circulatory sys do cephalopods have?
  55. Whats the difference between an open and closed circulatory sys?
    • Open: blood is distributed directly to organs
    • Closed: blood is in vessels & travels through different arteries & veins
  56. How does blood circulate in cephalopods?
    • Branchial hearts to
    • gills (O2 Pick up) to
    • systematic heart to
    • Body (O2 Drop off)
    • back to Branchial Hearts
  57. What is hemoglobin? What Class of Molluscs have hemoglobin?
    • Hemoglobin: respritory pigment that carries oxygen
    • Cephalopds have Hemoglobin
  58. How does axon diameter correlate to speed of nervous sys?
    the bigger the diameter the faster the speed due to increased surface area
  59. How do Cephalopds communicate?
    Via Chromatophores
  60. What are Chromatophores?
    Pigment cells
  61. How is a spermatophore transfered to a female Cephalopod?
    Hectocotylus: specialized arm
  62. Summarize the body form of Molluscs.
    mantle, foot, shell
  63. Explain how lophophorates feed.
    Lophophore: ciliated crown of tentacles which capture food & creat a current toward the mouth which is located in the bottom center of all the tentacles
  64. Explain the feeding biology of typical bivalves.
    • Filter feeders.
    • small organic material is captured on the gills and moved toward the mouth by the cilia on the gills, then the labial palps transfer food from the gills to the mouth
  65. Summarize reporductive cycle of clams.
    eggs fertilize in tubes when sperm is brought in by incurrent, they then develope into glonchidia larve at which point to becme free swimming and attatch to fish
  66. Explain how anatomy of Cephalopods is adapted for their active life style.
    They have chromatophores which are pigment cells. These chromatphores allows cephalopods to change colors and blend in seemlessly with any background. This allows them to hide from predators and also to disguise themselves from prey.
  67. Contrast complete digestive system to gastrovascular system.
    • IN a complete digestive system there is an anus which makes the organism more efficient b/c it ingestion and defication can occur at the same time
    • Where as, in a gastrovascular system the waste must exit via the mouth.
  68. Compare and contrast Acoelomate, Coelomate, & Pseudocoelomate body cavities.
    • Acoelomate: don't have a Coelom, which is a cavity that forms entirely within the mesoderm.
    • Coelomate: has a fluid filled Coelom completely surrounded by mesoderm.
    • Pseudocoelomate: partially surrounded by mesoderm
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Zoo Exam 2 Review