- A nation, community, or brand group of people who establish particular aims, beliefs, or standards of living and conduct
- Term?
- Set of learned values, beliefs, customs, and practices that are shared by a group and are passed from one generation to another
- Term?
- Shares many characteristic with the primary culture, but has characteristic patterns of behavior and ideals that distinguish it from the rest of a cultural group
- Term?
What individual differences cause variations within a cultural group?
- These individual differences cause it: age, religion, dialect or language spoke, gender identity and roles, socioeconomic background, geographic location of countr of origin or current residence, amount and type of interaction btw younger and older generation, and degree to which values in current country are adopted
- Cause what?
- Generalized expectation about forms of behavior, an individual, or a group
- Term?
Ethnic stereotype
- Fixed concept of how all members of an ethnic croup act or think
- Term?
- Often believe that the beliefs and practices of their particular culture are the best
- Term?
Cultural competence
- Aware of your own cultural beliefs and practices and how they relate to those of others, which will be different
- Term?
- Accepted traditional customs, moral attitudes, or manners of a particular social group
- Term?
Transcultural nursing
- Understanding the variables of cultural and subcultural practices and integrating our understanding into all aspects of nursing
- Term?
- A group of people who share biologic physical characteristics
- Term?
- Group of people who share a common social and cultural heritage based on shared traditions, national origin, and physical and biologic characteristics
- Term?
People of the same _______ share social practices such as language, religion, dress, music and food.
- People of the same ethnicity share this
- Share what?
When assessing a patient what are the areas to explore?
- Explore: communication, space, time, social organization, religious beliefs, health practices, and biologic variation
- When to explore this?
Religious beliefs are frequently entwined with ______ beliefs.
________ beliefs are frequently entwined with cultural beliefs.
How do Jews see birth, care of women, D. H., Sabbath, death, BC and abortion, organ transplant, shaving, head covering, and prayer
- For birth they name the child after their father, if the women is menstruating or giving birth considered impure and husband does not touch them, kosher diet, Sabbath is Friday evening till Saturday evening, usually don�t approve of autopsies; 7 day mourning and make sure that all body must be returned to earth, BC not encouraged and abortion only to save mother; no organ transplant, shave with scissors or electric razor � no blade, males wear skull cap, pray with head covered
- Who does all this?
How do Roman catholic see Birth, H.E, A.S, DH, Death, BC, organ transplant and prayer?
- Infant baptism; for HE need to fast for 15 min of solid food and alcohol before reception � if pt will be ok; oil to anoint forehead if sock; DH: 14yrs and + no meat on ash Wednesday and all fridays during Lent, + 21yr -59 yr require to limit one full meal and two light meals on ash Wednesday and Good Friday
- Who does this?
Who is stricter about fasting and fast more frequently Eastern Rite Catholics or Western Rite Catholics?
- Eastern Rite Catholics are stricter
- Stricter than who and on what?
How do Eastern orthodox see birth, HE, AS, DH, death and BC?
- Birth: bap within 40 days cant put water than move baby in air making a cross. HE � notify priest, AS: does this in room DH- fast from meat and dairy products on Wed. and Fridays during lent and other holy days; death � mandatory rites . no BC
- Who follows this?
How do Eastern orthodox feel about organ donation, autopsy, and euthanasia
- They do not allow organ donation, autopsy, and euthanasia (even if pt terminally ill)
- Who is they?
How do Baptist see baptism, DH, death, and do they have other practices?
- Don�t practice infant baptism; DH - no alcohol; death- no general service is provided; but prayer and scripture reading is done if patient wanted. Other practices � bible held to be the word of God
- Who believes this?
Which group believes that the Bible is held to be the word of God?
- Baptist believe this about the Bible
- Believe what?
How does Episcopal see baptism, Holy communion, AS, DH, death and other practices?
- Baptism � infant baptism and urgent, holy communion � notify priest, AS- not mandatory DH � nothing special; death � nothing special other practices � confess sins to a priest is optional
- Who believes this?
Which group believes in confessing sins to a priest (optional)
- Episcopal believe this (other practices)
- Believe what?
Episcopal is also known as?
How do Lutheran see baptism, holy communion, AS and death?
- Baptize usually 6-8 weeks after birth; holy communion � let clergy know; AS � pts request it when prognosis is poor; death � service of Commendation of the Dying is used at pt/families request
- Who believes this?