Name an approach to personality
How to study it
Psychoanalytic theory
Behavioural views
- "gene"
- genetic factor controls personality and contingencies (reinforcers/punishers)
- determinists: all our actions are products of preexisting casual influences
- unconscious variables: that play a role in causing behaviour lie outside, not inside us
Social learning theories
- "cognitive"
- emphasize thinking as a cause of personality
- 1) reciprocal determinism - mutal influence of personality and cog factors, behavior and enviro
- 2) observational learning
- 3) locus of control: extent to which people blieve reinforcers and punishers lie inside or outside of their control
Humanistic model
- "self-actualization" (Maslow) : drive to develop our innate potential to the fullest possible extent
- Carl Rogers: personality consist of 1) organism 2) self 3) conditions of worth
- incongruence - inconsistency between our personalities and innate dispositions
Name Big Five traits
Match with examples:
enthusiastic, reserved, quiet,
conventional, stable, uncreative
dependable, self-disciplined
critical, quarrelsome
sympathetic warm
anxious, easily upset
open to new experiences
- openness: opem to new experiences, conventional, uncreative
- conscientiousness: dependable, self-disiplined, disorganized, careless
- extraversion: enthusiastic, reserved, quiet
- agreeableness: crtoca;, quarrelsome, sympathetic, warm
- neuroticism (emotional stability): calm, emotionally stable, anxious, easily upset