1. Western Europe During WWI

    They respond opposite of german expressionists that felt the war would be a rebirth, they felt that this was the worst thing to happen to society.

    They felt the traditional idea of Rationality, logic and emphasis on progress led to war and so they believed that they should be express of of the opposite- irrational, absurdity, etc.

    DADA seen in many locations throughout Europe and the United States

    Dada- hobby horse, the randomly picked word to call this movement. Anti-art movement is what it was also labeled. Though it did open the avenues of chance in art.
  2. Western Europe During World War I
    • The world turned upside
    • down was the birth of DADA
    • Began in Zurich
    • Switzerland
    • expressed reactions to
    • the spreading hysteria of a world at war
    • outraged at war, and
    • materialist and nationalist views that promote war.
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    Hugo Ball reciting “Karawane” at the Cabaret Voltaire. Zurich, 1916.

    • 1916
    • Zurich group of dadaist

    Cabaret Volraire is the gathering place for the Dadaist to meet and share visual art and performance art.

    Wanted to surround himself with free thinkers. Many performances of dadaist - the performers would hide their face to act more freely by hiding their identity

    "Sound Poem" is what is on the left- he reads this during this performance. Language is based on logic and it should be avoided.

  4. Cabaret

  5. A meeting place for
    • DADA performance
    • Hugo Ball and Ammy
    • Hennings founded it in 1916
    • Dada was coined from
    • this seeming chaos produced here
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    Collage Arranged According to the Laws of Chance,

    • Hans Arp
    • 1916-17

    Major Visual artist of the Zurich group

    ripped up art and dropped spontaneously "the law of chance"

    Attacking the notion that skill and craft is what creates art. He is basing this on only the concept.

    Art is being knocked off its pedistol by the dadaist

    Notion of Chance- later essential for surrealists

    • Sigmund Freud ideas of the conscious world is only one part of the brain and the unconsious mind makes up the largest part of the brain. The dadaist felt that if they used the notion of chance they were in one way infiltrating their subconsious mind
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    Fleur Marteau (Hammer Flower)

    • Hans Arp
    • 1916

    Constructed painting- looks like a relief sculpture. Painting and sculpture which in a sense trashed the rules of the traditional artist being one or the other

    He would freeform drawing, take to carpenter to have him create a wooden sculpture of that scribble and then he paints it.

    • Name is not profound by any means- maybe it looks like a flower and hammer.
  8. Readymade/Rectified

  9. Duchamps assault on
    • artistic tradition is his creation of the readymade “found”
    • 1913
    • Manufactured objects
    • promoted to the dignity of art through the choice of the artist
    • rectified readymade is
    • a found object that was assisted by the artist (LHOOQ)
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    • Duchamp
    • 1917

    Found object, “readymade.”

    Outrageous readymade.

    He chooses this because he found it and chose to buy it- he signed it R. Mutt, and placed it on its side

    He tries to submit this to an art show that is unjuried for avantgaurd art to be shown. When they got the work they felt like they shouldn't show this art as it wasn't created by the artist. This upsets Duchamp. He writes a letter to society of independent art - arguing that it is art because the artist said so. Conceptual art- no longer the original idea.

    Many replicated "Fountain"s
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    • Duchamp
    • 1919

    Ink on a postcard.

    Defaces the art by drawing on the postcard and renames it. This attacks art in a crucial way. Uses a reproduction to create his own work.

    Aims to insult or make you laugh.
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    The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass),

    • Duchamp
    • 1915-23

    Oil, lead wire, foil, dust, and varnish on glass.

    Window provided a canvas that would continue to change based on light and it's environment.

    chocolate grinder is a pun in french (masterbating)
  13. Rayograph
  14. Man Ray coined his
    cameraless images photographs Rayographs (His Untitled photo)
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    • Man Ray
    • 1922

    Gelatin-silver print (Rayograph), 9” x 7”.

    Negative image - it was an accident at first and uses this technique to create art in this way.

    If you move things durin ghte process of exposure it will create different gradients

    • Version:1.0
    • StartHTML:0000000167
    • EndHTML:0000001068
    • StartFragment:0000000457
    • EndFragment:0000001052

    p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }

    • Ray
    • took up photography in 1915
    • accidental
    • discovery of controlling exposure by moving/replacing objects the
    • artist used this “automatic” process to create strangely
    • abstract images
  16. Photomontage
  17. created by cutting up
    • and pasting photographs in a new and startling configuration
    • Hoch's “Cut with the
    • Kitchen Kife Dad Through the last Wemar Beer Belly Cultural Epoch of
    • Germany”
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    Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada Through the Last Weimar Beer Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany,

    • Hannah Hoch
    • 1919-20
    • Germany- during radical politics during the war have a sense of disgust of society and take it out on art. They denounce cubism, futurism, the gallery, and academic art

    Photomontage- popular in Germany dada (along with photo)
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UNIT 2 DADA Art History 20-21st Century