Order of Importance of Energy Types
Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, Biomass, Nuclear, Hydropower, Geothermal, Wind, Solar, Ocean
Two Established Renewables
- Biomass (most important)
- Hydropower
New Renewables
- Solar
- Wind
- Geothermal
- Ocean sources
Fossil Fuel World Percentage
Fossil Fuel + Nuclear World Percentage
Renewable World Percentage
New Renewable Percentage
Best renewable for electrical generation:
Fastest growing renewable source:
Why is there limited growth in hydropower?
Because almost all of the rivers are dammed.
What can be used to collect solar energy?
Photovoltaic Cells; convert solar energy to electrical energy.
Two types of ocean energy sources:
Hubert's Peak prediction
Oil production would peak in 1970s.
- Alaska National Wildlife Rescues
- Have oil reserves but could cause damage if you drilled.
Fastest growing and most cost effective and efficient energy source.
When you burn a hydrogen fuel cell, it produces
Water. H2 + O2 --> 2H2O
How to create a hydrogen fuel cell:
- Use electrolysis to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
- Secondary fuel source.
When did we peak in gasoline usage?
2006. Now we use ethanol.
How much of our oil is imported?
Two ways to produce thermal gas:
Bacteria (biogenically), and pressure (thermogenically).
Yucka Mountain
Should be place where all nuclear waste goes, but instead the waste stays at each individual nuclear site.
Why isn't solar power widely used?
Too expensive.
Problems with geothermal energy:
- Heated water may give out after a while�hotspot moves or aquifer pressure drops.
- Salts in water can corrode equipment.
- Limited to geographic areas where geothermal heating naturally occurs.
Production and use of fossil fuel accounts for how much of all air pollution and how many dollars in health care costs?
95% of air pollution and $50 billion in US health care costs.
Major force driving us toward energy transformation (alternative sources):
Enormous buildup of carbon dioxide in atmosphere from buring fossil fuel.
What are positive aspects aimed at helping the wind energy industry?
- Environmental (pollution free)
- Economic (reduces costs aligned with buying fossil fuel)
- Agricultural (farmers get lease payments)
- Job Creation (designing, building, and maintaining wind turbines)
How are gas and other products harnessed from gasification?
1: Gas drives an advanced combustion turbine. 2: Recovered heat is used to generate electricity in a steam turbine. 3: Other byproducts generated and sold include sulfuric acid, ammonium chloride, and slag or coal residue for highways.
What is Vision 21?
Department of Energy's goal of contructing advanced coal gasification plants. Will produce electricity more efficiently with less pollution.