Job Hazard Analysis/Project Safety Work Plan
Job Hazard Analysis/Project Safety Work Plan (Continuation Page)
Code of Safe Practices
Job Safety Survey (Continuation Page)
Employee Training Sign-Up Sheet
New Employee Safety Orientation
Employee Safety Suggestion and Unsafe Practice Report
Nomination for Employee Safety Award
Exposure Determination, Reporting and Treatment Procedure
Communicable Disease Exposure Report
Sharps Injury Log
Physical Fitness Documantation Log
Quanitative Fit Test Record
Qualitative Fit Test Record
Work Station/Ergonomic Evaluation Request
Physical Ability Test Risk Assessment
Incident Replacement Requisition
Procedure 200 Accident/Injury/incident/Exposure Report
Overhead Crew Equipmemt Report
Fire Crew Activity Record
Incident Timekeeping Summary for Custodial Personnel
Seasonal Employee's Performance Record
Name the 8 elements of the IIPP.
- - Responsibility
- - Compliance
- - Communication
- - Hazard Assessment
- - Accident/Exposure Investigation
- - Hazard Correction
- - Training and Instruction
- - Recordkeeping
What are the Elements of the WUI Placard?
- - Access
- - Street Name & Address
- - Water Source
- - Defensible Space
- - Evacuations
- - Special Notes or Hazards
- - Date & Time
- - Resource ID
What is the Dept.'s Heat Illness Prevention Policy and Procedure.
- - employee to consume 1qt of water/hr when in extreme work conditions
- - allow for rest breaks in cooled, or at least shaded areas as needed, and to the extent feasible
What is CDF's Mission Statement
The Departmemt of Forestry amd Fire Protection protects the people of California from fires, responds to emergencies, and protects and enhances forest, range, and watershed values providing social, economic, and enviromental benifits to rural and urban citizens.
What is CDF's Fire Protection Objective?
CDF's fire protection objective states that a system of basic fire protection will be provided so thay damages to life, property and natural resources will be held at or below a level of acceptable within social, polotical and economic constraints. Board of Forestry and Fire Protection designates in thr Fire Plan that CDF will strive to contain 95% of all unwanted fires at 10 acres or less.
Define DPA?
Is the area in which an agency has the financial reponsibility to provide fire suppression.
What are the contract counties?
Marin, Santa Barbara, Kern, Ventura, Orange and Los Angeles.
What is a contract county?
It is a county that CDF annually allocates state funds for providing wildland fire protection to SRA.
Define Initial Attack Wildland
- fire can be contained by the first resources dispatched without substantial augmentation, within 2 hours of the report time.
Define Extended Attack Wildland
Fire can be contained within the first burning period (from the time the fire starts to 10am the following day), but requires substantial augmentation of the first dispatched resources.
Define Major Incident?
The fire CANNOT be contained within the first burning period, even with substantial augmentation of resources; long-term resource commitment and logistical support will be required.
What are 3 types of fire attack stratigies?
- - Direct Attack (offensive)
- - Indirect Attack (defensive)
- - Combination of Direct and Indirect
What is a Schedule A Contract?
Local Government Entity, CAL FIRE employee's. Local Gov. Entity pays CAL FIRE to run and staff fire stations.
What is a Schedule C contract?
Local Government Entity, Local Government Employee's, CAL FIRE administered
What is Amador Plan?
CAL FIRE facility & employee's provide fire protection to local government entity during fire season and by contract during the non-fire season.
What is WUI?
A wildland-urban interface refers to the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development. Communities that are within of the zone may also be included. These lands and communities adjacent to and surrounded by wildlands are at risk of wildfires.
What are the 10 standard Fire Orders?
- Fire Behavior
- 1. Keep informed on fire weather conditions and forecast
- 2. Know what your fire is doing at all times.
- 3. Base all actions on current and expected behavior of the fire
- Fireline Safety4. Identify escape routes and safety zones and make them known
- 5. Post lookouts when there is possible danger.
- 6. Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively.
- Organizational Control7. Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your supervisor and adjoining forces.
- 8. Give clear instructions and insure they are understood.
- 9. Maintain control of your forces at all times.
- If 1-9 are considered then...10. Fight fire aggressively, having provided for safety first.