Chapter 35,36

  1. glands and tissues that cover interior and exterior body surfaces
    epthelial tissue
  2. provides support for the body surfaces
    connective tissue
  3. "keeping things in balance"; process of the body trying to maintain a controlled, stable enviornment
  4. the process in which a stimulus produces a response that opposes the original stimulus
    feedback inhibition
  5. soft tissue within bone cavities
    bone marrow
  6. connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of an embryo
  7. supports the central axis of the body; consists of the skull, veterbral column and rib cage
    axial skeleton
  8. consist of the bones of the arms. legs. pelvis and shoulder area
    appendicular skeleton
  9. hold bones together in a joint and are attached to the membranes that surround bones
  10. join skeletal muscles to bones by tough connective tissues; attatched in such a way that they pull on the bones and make them work like levers
  11. attatched to bones, responsible for voulantary movements, consciously controlled by the central nervous system; large, have many nuclei
    skeletal muscle
  12. not under voulantary control, spindle shaped, has one nucleus, isn;t straines, found in the walls of hollow structures such as the stomach, blood vessels and intestines, move food through circulatory system
    smooth muscles
  13. found in the heart, strained, has one or two nuclei, usually not under direct control of the central nercous stsytem; connected by gap junctions
    cardiac muscles
  14. the point of contact between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle cell
    neuromuscular junction
  15. neurotransmitter released by the pockets in the axon terminals of the motor neuron
  16. outter layer of the skin
  17. tubelike pockets of epidermal cells that extend into the dermis; where hair is produced
    hair follicles
  18. inner layer of the skin, lies beneath the epidermis and contains collagen fibers, blood vessels, nerve endings, glands, sensory receptors, smooth muscles and hair folicles
  19. cells that transmit impulses carried by the nervous system
  20. insulating membrane that surrounds the axon
    myelin sheath
  21. electrical charge across the cell membrane of a neuron in its resting state
    resting potential
  22. reversal of changes, from negative to positive, also known as a nerve impulse
    action potential
  23. location at which a neuron can transfer an impulse to another cell
  24. chemicals used by a neuron to transmit an impulse across a synapse to another cell
  25. consists of the brain and spinal cord
    central nervous system
  26. lies outside of the central nervous system, consists of the nerves and associated cells that are not part of the brain and spinal cord
    peripheral nervous system
  27. connective tassue that wraps around the brain and spinal cord
  28. control center for recognition and analysis of hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger, and body temperature; controls the coordination of the nervous and endocrine systems
  29. recieves messages from all of the sensory receptors throughout the body and then relays the information to the proper region of the cerebrum for further processing
  30. pathway that an impulse travels from foot to the back of your lef; includes a sensory receotirk sensory neuron, motor neuron, and effector
    reflex arc
Card Set
Chapter 35,36
Quiz- March 8th