Ch. 17 Vocab

  1. To be laid off from a state-owned enterprise
    • 下岗
    • xiagang
  2. To declare, to announce, to proclaim
    • 宣布
    • xuanbu
  3. To go bankrupt
    • 破产
    • pochan
  4. Enterprise, business
    • 企业
    • qiye
  5. Way out, outlet, employment opportunities
    • 出路
    • chulu
  6. Basic, fundamental, on the whole
    • 基本
    • jiben
  7. Skill, technique, technology
    • 技术
    • jishu
  8. Airs, haughty manner, posture
    • 架子
    • jiazi
  9. To sweep, to clean
    • 打扫
    • dasao
  10. Hygiene, hygenic
    • 卫生
    • weisheng
  11. To lean on, based on
    • ping
  12. Skill, ability
    • 本事
    • benshi
  13. position, status
    • 地位
    • diwei
  14. may not, not necessarily
    • 未必
    • weibi
  15. to be used up, merely
    • guang
  16. to strike, to hit, to attack
    • 打击
    • daji
  17. to be worthwhile, to be to one's advantage
    • 划得来
    • huadeilai
  18. thrifty, frugal
    • 节俭
    • jiejian
  19. to imitate, to copy
    • 模仿
    • mofang
  20. to make, to cause
    • ling
  21. Salary
    • 待遇
    • daiyu
  22. to exceed, to surpass
    • 超过
    • chaoguo
  23. inspiration, to enlighten
    • 启发
    • qifa
  24. to strive/fight for
    • 争取
    • zhengqu
  25. to accept, to receive
    • 接受
    • jieshou
  26. material benefits, welfare
    • 福利
    • fuli
  27. to quit
    • 辞掉
    • cidiao
  28. sincere
    • 诚恳
    • chengken
  29. service, to serve
    • 服务
    • fuwu
  30. attentive, considerate, thorough
    • 周到
    • zhoudao
  31. to inspect, to make an on-the-spot investigation
    • 考察
    • kaocha
  32. to manage, to run
    • 经营
    • jingying
  33. inconceivable, enigma
    • 不可思议
    • bukesiyi
  34. absolutely, definitely
    • 绝对
    • juedui
  35. to grasp, to master, to control
    • 掌握
    • zhangwo
  36. destiny, fate, lot
    • 命运
    • mingyun
  37. miracle, wonder, marvel
    • 奇迹
    • qiji
  38. to cancel, abolish, to nullify
    • 取消
    • quxiao
  39. to stimulate, to provoke, to irritate, to upset
    • 刺激
    • ciji
  40. is it possible?
    • 能否
    • nengfou
  41. to emliminate through selection, to die out
    • 淘汰
    • taotai
  42. full, ample, abundant
    • 充分
    • chong fen
  43. to bring into play, to give free rein to, to develop, to elaborate
    • 发挥
    • fahui
  44. forte, strong points
    • 长处
    • changchu
Card Set
Ch. 17 Vocab
C302 Chapter 17 Vocabulary