Evolution by natural selection occurs when a)______ leads to differential success in b)______ and c)_______.
a. heritable variation
b. survival
c. reproduction
Because of a)______, genetic variation is b)______ in populations.
a. natural selection
b. maintained
True or False
Is lack of genetic variation is usually a good or bad thing?
Genetic variation provides the foundation for a)_____ when environmental conditions b)______.
a. adaptation
b. change
Patterns of Natural Selection
I. Directional Selection
allele frequencies change in
Changes the b)______ of a trait
Tends to c)_____ the genetic diversity in populations by d)_____ one e)_____ over another.
a. one
b. average value
c. reduce
d. favoring
e. extreme
Patterns of Natural Selection
An example of Directional Selection:
drug resistance in certain bacteria
Directional Selection can be a)_____ if environmental conditions warrant such a change.
a. reversed
An example of reversed directional selection: drop in temperature vs. decline in cliff swallow population
Known as a)______ directional selection
Can help b)_____ genetic variation in a population.
a. oscillating
b. maintain
II. Stabilizing Selection
a)_____ extremes in a population are
b)_____ and the c)______ phenotype is favored
a. Both
b. reduced
c. average
An example of Stabilizing selection:
Human birth rates
What are the two consequences to stabilizing selection?
1. a)____ change in the b)______ of a trait over time.
a. No
b. average value
What are the two consequences to stabilizing selection?
2. a)______ in the population is b)_____
a. Genetic variation
b. reduced
III. Disruptive Selection
a)_____ extremes in a population are
b)_____ and the c)_____ phenotype is selected d)_____.
a. Both
b. favored
c. average
d. against
Disruptive selection is relatively a)____, but b)_______ in a population in which it occurs.
a. rare
b. maintains overall variation
Disruptive selection plays a role in a)_____ – the generation of new b)_____.
a. speciation
b. species
II. Genetic Drift
Any a)____ in the b)______ in a population that is due to c)_____.
a. change
b. allele frequencies
c. chance
Genetic drift causes a)_____ to drift
b)_____ randomly over time.
a. allele freqs
b. up and down
a)______ can be simulated through the flipping of a coin.
a. Sampling error
Three Important Points about Genetic drift:
I. a)_____ with respect to fitness. Allele freq changes are not b)_______.
a. Random
b. adaptive
Three Important Points about Genetic drift:
II. Much a)_____ effect in b)_____ pops than in large ones.
a. larger
b. small
Three Important Points about Genetic drift:
III. Can lead to the a)_____ or b)____ of alleles.
a. random loss
b. fixation
How do founder effects cause drift?
Drift occurs when a group of individuals a)______ to a new geographic area and establish a
a. immigrate
b. new population
The cause of founder effects on drift:
If the new population is a)____, allele frequencies will likely be b)______ -this is the founder effect
a. small
b. different from the original population
How do population bottlenecks cause drift?
Sudden reduction in population size caused by stochastic events:
- Disease outbreaks
- Natural catastrophes
- Other random events
Bottle necks:
Remaining individuals likely have
a)_____ than the original pop.
a. different allelic frequencies
III. Gene Flow
Refers to the a)_____between populations via b)______.
a. movement of alleles
b. migration
Gene Flow tends to a)_______ among populations. (lupine example)
a. equalize allele frequencies
Gene flow is a)_____ with respect to fitness.
a. random
During gene flow, movement of alleles between pops a)______ between them.
a. always decreases genetic diffs
During gene flow, human migration across continents is a)______ in human populations.
a. homogenizing allelic freqs
IV. Mutation
Mutation occurs a)_______. Therefore,
b)______ of the Hardy-Weinberg model is almost certain to be violated
a. constantly
b. first assumption
Effects of Mutation
I. Constantly a)____ into all pops at all loci.
o b) Increases_______ in pops
o Random with respect to c)_____.
a. introduces new alleles
b. genetic diversity
c. fitness
True or false
Is mutation an important cause of evolutionary change?
Mutation a)______ often enough
a. does not occur
Most mutations give rise to a)_____ that decrease b)_____.
a. deleterious alleles
b. fitness
Mutation as an Evolutionary Mechanism
Mutations happen a)____ to cause dramatic changes in b)______.
a. too infrequently
b. allele frequencies
Mutation is an a)______mechanism compared with selection, genetic drift, and gene flow.
a. extremely slow
Mutation can play a role in a)____when the number of alleles is b)_____.
a. evolution
b. high
Mutation introduces a)______ into every individual in a population every generation
a. new alleles
In sexually reproducing organisms,
a)_____ generates new combinations of alleles as well. Therefore, mutation restores b)_______.
a. genetic recombination
b. genetic diversity
What role does mutation play in evolutionary change?
Mutation was the a)______ in these populations.
a. only source of genetic variation
The role of mutation in evolutionary change.
Competition experiments proved that
a)______ dramatically over time.
a. relative fitness increased
True or false.
Is mutation the ultimate source of genetic variability?
Without mutation, there is no a)_____ on which b)______ can work.
a. genetic variability
b. natural selection
Although mutation rates are a)___for individual loci it may be high throughout entire b)_____.
a. low
b. genomes
Mutation becomes an evolutionary force when
Considered a)_____entire genomes
Combined with b)_____.
a. across
b. Combined
Nonrandom Mating
Inbreeding is a)______between b.______.
a. nonrandom mating
b. relatives
Inbreeding depression: loss of
a)____that takes place when b)_____.
a. fitness
b. homozygosity increases
Inbreeding depression occurs because the freq of a)_______ recessive alleles b)_____.
a. detrimental homozygous
b. increases
Does inbreeding cause evolution directly?
Inbreeding a)____ change allele frequencies
a. does not
Inbreeding can speed the rate of a)____.
a. evolutionary change