Anatomy Lecture 17

  1. Components of the digestive system:
    • 1. Digestive tract (alimentary canal): oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
    • 2. Accessory digestive organs: teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, biliary ducts and gall bladder, pancreas
  2. Oral Cavity (buccal cavity; 'mouth'):
    • oral mucosa ‑ stratified squamous epithelium (nonkeratinized)
    • oral cavity proper
    • vestibule
  3. Palate:
    • hard palate (bone)
    • soft palate (muscle)
    • uvula
  4. Fauces:
    • anterior (palatoglossal) arch
    • posterior (palatopharyngeal) arch
    • palatine tonsil
  5. Tongue:
    • frenulum
    • anterior 2/3 (body): mobile
    • posterior 1/3: (root): attached to hyoid bone
    • taste bud structure
    • lingual tonsils
  6. muscles of the tongue:
    • extrinsic: main movements (genioglossus)
    • intrinsic: alter shape
    • all supplied by hypoglossal (XII) nerve
  7. papillae of tongue: filiform, fungiform, circumvallate
    • filiform (elongated) ‑ stratified squamous epithelium (keratinized)
    • fungiform (mushroom‑shaped) ‑ dorsal tastebuds
    • circumvallate (dome‑shaped) ‑taste buds in wall of trough
  8. Salivary Glands:
    • minor salivary glands (lips, cheeks, palate)
    • major salivary glands:
    • parotid:
    • parotid (Stensen's) duct
    • serous acini
    • submandibular:
    • submandibular (Wharton's) duct
    • serous acini and mucous acini
    • sublingual:
    • sublingual ducts
    • mucous acini
  9. Teeth:
    • deciduous (20): 2 incisors, 1 canine (cuspid) , 2 molars in each half jaw
    • permanent (32): 2 incisors, 1 canine (cuspid), 2 premolars (bicuspids), 3 molars in each half jaw
    • eruption times (roughly in multiples of 6 ‑ lowers appear before uppers):
  10. eruption of deciduous teeth:
    • first incisor: 6 months
    • first molar: 12 months
    • all appear by: 24 months
  11. eruption of permanent teeth:
    • first incisor, first molar: 6 years
    • second molar: 12 years
    • all anterior to second molar by 12 years
    • third molar (wisdom): approximately 24 years
  12. tooth structure:
    • alveolus (socket)
    • gum
    • gingiva
    • gingival sulcus
    • crown, root and neck
    • dentin
    • enamel
    • pulp cavity
    • periodontal ligament
    • cementum
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Anatomy Lecture 17