relationship between the working end of an instrument and the tooth surface being treated
the angle formed by the working end of an instrument with the surface to which the instrument is applied for treatment
working end of an intsrument with special design for a particular clinical treatment
a curved, rounded dental instrument utilized for scaling, root planing, and gingival curettage
a specialized instrument designed with specific angles in the shank for adaptation to a certain group of tooth surfaces
area-specific curet
a curet designed for used on any tooth surface where the adaptation, angulation, and other principles of instrument used can be correctly and effectively accomplished
universal curet
the hand generally used for performing fine tasks such as writing and holding instruments for scaling
dominant hand
for an intraoral rest, the place on a tooth or teeth where the third or ring finger of the hand holding the instrument is placed to provide stabiliation and control during activation of the instrument
finger rest
the support upon which a lever rests while force intended to produce motion is exerted
use of a dental mouth mirror to view the area of instrumentation. It is provided by the mirror.
indirect vision
section of the tooth where treatment is indicated and instrumentation is performed
instrumentation zone
the minimal pressure that is required of an instrument againset the tooth or soft tissue to accomplish the objective of the designated treatment
lateral pressure
the blade of an area-specific gracey curet in which the lower shank is at a 70* angle to the face of the blade; contrasts with a universal curet blade, which is at a 90* angle with the lower shank
offset blade
instrument desigend for initial removal of calculus and biofilm
instrumentation of a tooth surface to remove calculus and biofilm
the part of the instrument between the handle and the working end
the part of the shank next to the blade
lower or terminal shank
a single unbroken movement made by an instrument against a tooth surface during an examination or treatment procedure to accomplish a particular objective; the motion made for activation of an instrument
fine-grained sharpening stone quarried from natural mineral deposits
arkansas stone
to smooth and polish; an effect that can result when a dull scaler or curet is passed over tenacious calculus in an attempt to remove the deposit
the fine line formed where the face and lateral surfaces of a scaler or curet meet when the instrument is sharp; when the instrument is dull, the line has thickness and may even reflect light
cutting edge
a sharpening stone; sharpening
a sharpening stone mounted on a metal mandrel for use in a dental handpiece
rotary stone
when a scaler or curet is sharp, the cutting edge is a fine line that does not reflect light
plastic 1/4-inch rod, 3 inches long, used to test the sharpness of a scaler or a curet
testing stick