Sea and IR 2/29
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What is the largest mountain range
mid atlantic ridge
What is so important about the contintal shelf?
marck where ocean bottom or below the bottom is yours
When was UNCLOS I
What was decided in UNCLOS I
depth of 200m beyond territorial sea
What was decided in UNCLOS III
'natural prolongation of land territory' out to 200 NM
line no more than 60 NM from contintal slope
thickness of sediments is less than 1% of distance to base of continental slope
no more than 350 NM from baseline
what are the two definitions of subsoil explotation
what is the definition of subsoil explotation
can drill below ocean
What is the importance of the Ecofish Oil Platform?
it is on the contintal shelf
made one of the most prosperous
Where is the ecofish oil platform?
What is the difference betweent he ecofish oil platform in norway and the deepwater horizon oil rig int he gulf of mexico
ship, not fixed to the bottom
Just about everybody joiins
stans don't join, equador, peru, turkey, 2 in africa
USA has signed
What does it mean to know have signed, but not ratified
don't have to follow all the rules, but can't stop people
Who sigend the UNCLOS III for the USA
Why didn't USA sign before clinton
reagan said too much violoation on US soverignty
seabed part of the treaty
too communist
not guarenteed seat on concil
dominated by people of developing countries
1/2 mine site to the seabed authority - giving tech to developing countries
US stand on LOS
opposition by american buisnesses
has not ratified
do not want to send it to congress to get it shot down
don't get to talk about arctic
International Seabed Authroity
variable fortune over the years
mostly offshore drilling
Glomar Explorer - Soviet 'K' class sub
designed by NASA engineer
practicing robotics underwater
developing countries left out - technology high tech
even second tier countries can't do it
Manganese Nodule
sitting at bottom of sea
1 illion years to make
Polymetallic Nodule
colbalt and nickle
much more economically viable
Vacume mining
shallow out beyond 12 mile
hoses really long
Mining vessel
containers - put lab and stuff in so that ship can be used for multiple purposes
Deep Seabed
no universally recognized regime
LOS Convention III established authority
What are the deep sea bed regimes?
res communis
freedom of the sea
res mullis
Seabed Authority
36 member council
ensured technology sharing
licenses plans for mining
collects revenues
provides loans to LDC's
Tribunal for dispute resolution
Who is on the 36 memeber seabed authority council?
those that ratified
anyone ratified possibly on council
could be 36 poorest countries or landlocked
Why doesn't the USA like that the seabed authority ensures technology sharing?
you should get benifits of it
in US constitution you don't have to share
What do you need to do to get a license to mine from the seabed authority?
find 2 spots
1 for seabed
one for you
money is fungable
free to spend on something you don't like
Nodule recovered in 1979
25 kg
just sitting down there
seabed crawler
1000 ft down under estreem pressure
know how to build
you want our technology for free - what will you do for us?
conflicting claims
US and Canada
where to draw the line
oil in the middle
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Sea and IR 2/29
Sea and IR 2/29 Continental Shelf