1. What are the standard units for length, mass, time, volume, and amount?
    • length - meter
    • mass - kilogram
    • time - second
    • volume - liter
    • amount - mole
  2. What are the base unit abbreviations for meter, gram, second, liter, and mole?
    • meter - m
    • gram - g
    • second - s
    • liter - L
    • mole - mol
  3. King Henry died by drinking chocolate milk?
    Hilo Hecto Deka Base Deci Centi Milli
  4. WhHow much is in a mole?
    6.02 x 1025
  5. What is the relationship between 1 mL and cms?
    1 mL = 1 cm3
  6. What is accuracy?
    How close a measurement is to the true value
  7. What is precision?
    How close repeated measurements are to each other
  8. What is percent error?
    • A measure of accuracy
    • abs(O-T)/T x 100%
    • O is the obersved value
    • O should be an average of several trials
    • T is the true value
  9. What is the percent error for high, acceptable, low and poor accuracies?
    • High < or = 5%
    • Acceptable 5% < PE < or = 10%
    • Low > 10%
    • Poor > 15%
  10. What is standard deviation?
    • A measure of precsion
    • -Low values are good
    • -Units are the same as the data
  11. What is relative deviation?
    • (SD/Average)100
    • -Low values are good
    • -Unit is %
  12. What is an error in reading a scale due to incorrect eye positioning?
  13. What does more digits imply for a reading?
    • A finer calibrated scale
    • (Less digits implies a coarser calibrated scale)
  14. What is density?
    • p= m/V
    • -units are g/cm3 or g/mL
  15. Where should you read a measurement of a liquid?
    At the bottom of the meniscus
  16. What kind of device can be used to measure many volumes?
    A graduated device
  17. What kind of device can measure just one volume?
    A volumetric device
  18. When pouring liquids, what does TC mean?
    • To contain
    • -Shake out remaining substance
  19. When pouring liquids, what does TD mean?
    • To deliver
    • - Do not shake out remaining substance
Card Set
lab skills