1. A substance that causes significant harm to humans in small quantities
  2. What is toxicity determined by?
    Dos and duration of exposure
  3. List a chemical that is a health hazard for each catagory.
    • 4 - Hydrogen cyanide
    • 3 - Phenol
    • 2 - Caffeine
    • 1 - Acetone
    • 0 - Distilled water
  4. What do each of the number ratings for a health hazard mean?
    • 4 - Very short exposure could cause death or major injury despite prompt medical treatment
    • 3 - Short exposure could cause serious injury despite prompt medical treatment
    • 2 - Intense or prolonged exposure could cause serious injury, short exposure can ge medically treated
    • 1 - Exposure may cause irritation or minor injury even without medical treatment
    • 0 - No significant hazard
  5. What does combustible mean?
    Something can burn
  6. What does flammable mean?
    Something can easily be ignited and burns readily
  7. List an example for each number rating of a flammable substance.
    • 4 - Propane
    • 3 - Ethyl alcohol
    • 2 - Diesel fuel
    • 1 - Mineral oil
    • 0 - Water
  8. What do each of the number ratings for a flammable substance mean?
    • 4 - Highly flammable substances or ones that readily form explosive mixtures with air
    • 3 - Substances that can be ignited under almost all ambient conditions
    • 2 - Substances that must be heated moderately to ignite
    • 1 - Substances that must be heated significantly to ignite
    • 0 - Substances thhat will not burn (can be used to extinguish fires)
  9. What is reactivity?
    How easily a substance reacts and generates a lot of energy
  10. List examples for each reactivity rating.
    • 4 - Nitroglycerine
    • 3 - Potassium
    • 2 - Lithium
    • 1 - Calcium oxide
    • 0 - Sand
  11. What does each number for reactivy mean?
    • 4 - Substances that reaily detonate or explode at normal conditions
    • 3 - Substances that can detonate or explode but require a strong initiating force, or substances that react violently with water
    • 2 - Unstable substances that undergo violent chemical reactions but do not detonate, or substances that react significantly with water
    • 1 - Stable substances that become unstable at high temperatures or pressures, or substances that react mildly with water
    • 0 - Stable substances that do not become unstable or react with water
  12. What does the diamond symbol look like?
  13. What is required in an MSDS?
    • Name
    • Ingredients
    • Physical properties
    • Fire and explosion data
    • Reactivity data
    • Health hazard info.
    • Spill, leak, and clean up info.
    • Personal protection
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