Phylum Porifera
Grantia (3), Scypha (2), Leucosolenia (2), Spongilla, Commercial sponge, Venus Flower; lack true tissue/body cavity (spongocoel), amoebocytes help with digestion, osculum is the opening, choanocytes are collar cells that generate a water current
Grantia spicules
navy blue, pretty, navy blue, directional spiralz
scypha l.s. (bigger than Grantia)
Phylum Cnidaria
consists of the classes Hydrozoa, Scyphozoans, and Anthozoans; dipoblastic; radially symmetrical, have tissues, exhibit behavior; no learning; old Eumetazoa; one opening
Cnidarian; found on tentacles, are cells for defense and prey capture, contain cnidae that explode out
Cnidaria; organelles within cnidoytes that eject a stinging thread
Hydra LS/kind of hydra WM; little bulbous thingy towards bottom is important, know tentacles; colored red in slide; class hydrozoa
hydra nematocyst; purple blob; class hydrozoa
preserved Obelia Coelenterate, medusa form; class hydrozoa
preserved Obelia Coelenterate, colony form; class hydrozoa
preserved Portuguese man-of war; class hydrozoa; colony of medusae and polyps acting as a single organism
preserved jelly fish; class Scyphozoans
preserved sea anemone; class anthozoans
Phylum Platyhelminthes
flatworms; flattened dorsoventrally; tripoblastic BUT acoelomates; include class Turbellaria (planarians), Trematodes (flukes), and Cestoidea (tapeworm)
Class Turbellaria
Planarians; have light-sensitive eye spots and nerve nets in head that connect to a ventral nerve cord; can learn; are hermaphrodites; body covered by ciliated epidermis
planarian WM/living; don't forget about the auricle
Planaria (class Turbellaria) CS; clear space is the pharyngeal (digestive?) cavity
sheep liver fluke; white inside, gray (looks a little dotted) outside, looks like a thinner leech; class Trematoda
oriental liver fluke; class Trematoda
Taenia pisiformes; class cestoidea; this is really just the scolex (from top to bottom, hooks, rostellum and scolex), the rest of the body looks like rectangular segments and these house the reproductive organs that break off and spawn [budding zone]
Phylum Annelida
consists of class Polychaetes (clamworms), class Oligochaeta (earthworms) and class Hirudinea (leeches); segmented worms whose bodies are a series of fused rings; are COELOMATES
Class Polychaetes
include the clamworm and sea mouse; marine; hermaphroditic; each segment has a pair of PARAPODIA, used for gills and locomotion (in phylum Annelida)
preserved clamworm, Nereis; class polychaetes
preserved sea mouse; class polychaetes; in phylum Annelida
Class Oligochaeta
earthworms; have chaetae made of chitin for traction and burrowing; nervous tissue runs VENTRAL to gastrointestinal tracts; e/a segment is walled of by a septum (in phylum Annelida)
earthworm CS; class oligochaeta; in phylum Annelida
earthworm anatomy (study in lab book); in phylum Annelida
Class Hirudinea
most specialized annelids; lost chaetae; hirudin prevents blood from clotting; in phylum Annelida; preserved specimen is gray and flat looking
Phylum Mollusca
chiton, snail, clam, oyster, mussels, squid, octopus, mollucs; most share 4 common features: have a hard external shell for protection, a mantle that secretes the shell, the visceral mass where most organs are located, and a mucular foot used for locomotion
Class Polyplacophora
chitons; have a broad foot, 8 dorsal plates and a thing going all the way around called a girdle
preserved Chiton; class polyplacophora, phylum mollusca
snailz; use radula to feed, have tentacle and occular tentacle to see; have muscluar foot; class Gastropoda; phylum mollusca
class Bivalvia
in the phylum mollusca; shell divided laterally into 2 halves; are filter feeders, and use gills for feeding/gas exchange; have eyespots to detect shadows; the mantle clings to the shell; include oysters, clams (know anatomy) and mussels
Class Cephalopoda
phylum Mollusca; includes squid (have tentacles, arms, eye, funnel, collar, mantle and fin), octopus (have suction cups, mouth, arm) and mollusc; have a closed circulatory system, complex brain, well developed sensory organs