Define communication from the lingustic perspection.
- a. code must be systeinatic (speaking the same lang)
- b. use of arbitary symbols
what is communication competance?
the ability to adjust and influance their listenersand have an effect
2 types of extralingustic aspects of speech...
- -gestures
- -eye contact
- -facial expressions
3 conponants of speech
- 1. voice
- 2. fluency
- 3. articulation
what is a phoneme
indivisual sound
what is a morpheme?
units that can stand alone and still carry a meaning
what is a free morpheme?
what is a bound morpheme?
-ing (running)
list the 4 lobes of the cerebrum
- frontal lobe
- temporal lobe
- occipital lobe
- paritial lobe
which lobe is primarily responsible for auditory information?
2 hemispheres of the cerebellum
- outter layer of grey matter
- inner core of white
3 major componants of the brain stem?
- mid brain
- pons
- medulla oblongata
3 types of PNS
- cranial nerves
- spinal nerves
- autonomic nerves
list the 4 structures of speech & functions
- lungs=resperation
- larynx=phonation
- oral nasel cavety=resonation
- oral structures=articulation
2 cycles of resporation
- inspiratory cycle=inhaled
- expirary cycle=exhaled
sub glotta spressure
air pressure the occurs below vocal chords
vocal tract structures
- nasel caviety
- oral caviety
- pharynx
oral structures for articulation
teets, tounge, lips, jaw and soft palate
3 structures for haring and decribe them
- outter ear-resonates sound energy
- middle ear-temponic membrane (eardrum)
- inner ear-cochela, oral window, simi curculat canals
process of hearing
sound waves pass through outter ear and middle ear as energy. inner ear transforms the energy if sounds waves into impules to the braina
2 divided periods of prental development
- embryonic (first 8 weeks)
- fedal periods (9th week-birth)
early social intercations influances motivate speech
early nurturing
the close, nurturing, long term relationship that develops between caregiver and infant
3 ways an infants will recconize its mom
odor, voice, face
3 patterns of tempermant in infants
- easy
- slow to warm up
- difficult
motherse & charastrics
baby talk (pronounced facial expressions)
joint reference
establishing an object as shared topic
joint action
actions sharred by partners that result in mutual or sharred attention
Piagets stages of cognitive development (4)
- Sensorimotor (0-2yr)sensory/motor skills
- preoperational (2-7) symbolic behavior
- concrete opperational (7-11) reasoning
- formalopperational (11 & up) thought process
4 relationships between cognative adn language development
- independant theory
- lingustic determinism
- cognitive det.
- interchanging roles
5 levels of pereception
- 1. sensation: organs are effected by physical stimulus
- 2.imagery: partial or entire recalled in absence
- 3. symbolism:identify represntation of objects and events
- 4. conceptualization:stimuli in classes (animals: ducks, pig, cow)
- 5. abstracution" perceptive relationships among iscolated objects, events or places
2 types of learning
- classical conditioning (associates objects with feeling)
- operant conditioning
3 MOTOR devel. skills in 1st year
- grasps objects at 3 mo
- sits around 5 mo
- explors objects w index finger 8 mo
3 COGNITIVE devel. in 1st year
- searches for source of sound 3 mo
- reconizes familar objects 5 mo
- reconizes own name 11 mo
3 SOCIAL devel in 1st year
- knows diff people and things 3 mo
- family from strangers 5 mo
- diff emotions 12 mo
3 LANGUAGE expectations in 1st year
- respond to familiar sounds in envi. (bark)
- specific words or names are symbols to locolize familiar people
- un known sounds become almost speech sounds
perlocutionary stage (0-6 mo)
- reflective responces (burp, suck)
- gaze patterns, social smiles, cooing, babble, jargon
Illocutionary stage (begins at 6 mo)
- joint ref & joint action
- protoimpaitives:commanding requesting action
- protodeclartives: get caregivers attention
Locutionary stage (12 mo in age)
1st words used to convay intentions