Creative Writing Midterm Vocab

  1. Plot
    The sequence of events that occur in a narrative, as organized by the author
  2. Structure
    The way in which the various formal elements of a literary work are organized; the architecture of a story.
  3. Minimalism
    • A style of art or literature in which the work is stripped down to its most essential feature.
    • The revelation of only as much information as is absolutely necessary.
  4. Style
    The characteristic way an author expresses his or her ideas with language and literary techniques.
  5. Opening Beat
    The first phrase or sentence in a prose passage.
  6. Doubling pattern
    The repetition or echoing of significant elements in a narrative. This can create a sense of unity in the composition and can guide the reasder's attention to what is important in a text.
  7. Crisis
    The climax or turning point in a literary text, generally preceded by a build-up of tension and followed by resolution.
  8. Climax
    THe major turning point in a narrative; the point of greatest intensity and significance
  9. Postmodernism
    A movement in the arts beginning in the latter part of the 20th century which is notoriously difficult to define but is often associated, in literature, with the floowing: fragmentation, parody, pastiche
  10. Metafiction
    A work of fiction that self-consciously draws attention to itself as a work of fiction. Often associated with postmodernism, but examples of metafiction also occur in many other literary movements.
  11. Digression
    A passage or commentary that strays from the main flow of ideas or action in a text.
  12. Counterpointed characterization
    The use of contrasting characters to intensify the dramatic conflict or to help define each character more precisely
  13. Protagonist
    • The main character in a narrative.
    • The character who opposes or is in conflict with the protagonist, or main character.
  14. Interior Monologue
    Also called "stream of consciousness," a passage in a narrative that presents the disorganized thoughts and fleeting impressions of a character.
  15. Mimesis
    Greek word meaning imitation of reality, or mimicry.
  16. Episodic narrative
    A narrative that seems to pursue a chain of distinct episodes rather than working through one central conflict.
  17. Burlesque
    A work of drama or literature that ridicules its subject matter through exaggerated mockery and broad comedy.
  18. Melodrama
    A sensational type of drama associated with extremes of emotion and using simplified heroes and villains that represent absolute good and evil.
  19. Theme
    The central idea contained in a literary work, distinct from but understood through the plot, subject matter, characters, and stylistic devices.
  20. Limited POV
    The perspective from which the story is observed via vision and insights of one character.
  21. Omniscient POV
    All-knowing perspective from which the story is observed.
  22. Metaphor
    Comparison without using like or as
  23. Epiphany
    • In religion, the moemnt when a divine being suddenly appears.
    • In narrative, the moment when a significant truth or the essence of something is suddenly revealed to a character.
  24. Tone
    The attitude or atmosphere of a text, as expressed through the author's word choice, selection of details, imagery, prose style
  25. Elide
    To leave out, omit
  26. Level of Diction-Informal
    Short words
  27. The Behavior of the Hawkweeds
    Andrea Barrett
  28. Lost in the Funhouse
    John Barth
  29. Fenstad's Mother
    Charles Baxter
  30. A Small, Good Thing
    Raymond Carver
  31. Communist
    Richard Ford
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Creative Writing Midterm Vocab
Creative Writing Midterm Vocab