
  1. What does Labview stand for?
    Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench
  2. What is Front Panel?
    The interactive interface of a VI, it is composed of switches, slides, meters, graphs, charts, guages, LEDs, and other controls and indicators.
  3. Functions palette?
    Pallet containing block diagram structures, constants and VIs.
  4. Tools palette?
    Palette containing tools you can use to edir and debug front panel and block diagram objects.
  5. Controls Palette?
    Palette containing front panel controls and indicators.
  6. Palette?
    Menu of pictures that represent possible options.
  7. Nodes?
    Execution elements of a block diagram consisting of functions, structures, and subVIs.
  8. Virtual Instrument?
    A program in LabVIEW; so-called because it models the appearance and function of a physical instrument.
  9. What color are boolean wires?
  10. What color are String wires?
  11. What are numeric data colors?
    Blue (int), orange (Double and Long)
  12. Data Flow?
    Nodes will only exicute when all required data is aquired to exicute the code.
  13. G Programming?
    Graphical Programming Language.
  14. Input/output terminals?
    Terminals where data wires link to and from indicators and controls, etc. (Source terninals, Destination terminals)
  15. Numeric controls and indicators?
    Front panel objects used to manipulate and display numeric data.
  16. Wire?
    Data path between nodes.
  17. Connector?
    Part of the VI or node that contains its input and output terminals.
  18. Property Nodes?
    Allows you to set and get the properties od an object.
  19. Operating tool?
    Tool used to enter data into controls and operate them. Resembles a pointing finger.
  20. Navigation window?
    Displays an overview of the active front panel in edit mode or the active block diag.
  21. Function?
    An exicution element compairable to an operator or statement in other languages.
  22. Marquee?
    dashed border surrounding selected objects.
  23. SubVI?
    A subroutine that can be used by a top level VI.
  24. Top-Level VI?
    A VI at the top of the VI hierarchy.
  25. Indicator?
    A front panel object that displays an output.
  26. Control?
    A front panel object for entering data into the VI or subVI.
  27. For Loops:
    Two terminals: The count (input terminal) and iteration (an output terminal). Foors loops run a set number of times.
  28. Count terminal?
    Number of times you want the loop to execute.
  29. Iteration?
    Counter that counts the times the loop has exicuted.
  30. Byte?
    • 8 bit.
    • 16 bit.
    • 32 bit.
  31. While loop:
    Has two terminals: The conditional terminal (an input) and the iteration terminal (an output) While loops run until false.
  32. Conditional terminal?
    Conditional test for the loop to dertimine if the loop is true or false. The terminal condition is either Stop if true or Continue if true.
  33. Structure?
    A program control element such as a Sequence, Case, For loop or While loop.
  34. Case Structure?
    Similar to an IF-Then-Else statement. It executes only one of its subdiagrams baised on inputs.
  35. Coercion?
    Automatic numeric conversion of a data element by Labview.
  36. Formula Node?
    A node that executes formulas enterd as text.
  37. Tunnels?
    Allows wired to be connected from outside a structure to objects inside a structure.
  38. EMR:
    • Coil takes 75ma to run.
    • Pickup voltage 9v.
    • operating voltage 12v.
  39. Optio:
    • LED takes 60ma.
    • C to E = 150ma
    • Surge voltage 7500v
    • Max f = 19MHz
  40. USB-6009:
    • Max sink(open collector)/active drive(push pull) current = 8.5ma
    • Max sample rate= 48KHz
    • 8 analog inputs 0-7
    • Max unit draw = +5 @ 200ma
    • Normally uses RSE (Referenced Single Ended Voltage Signals connect pos to An input and neg to grnd)
    • Digital ports = 12. ( no need for a pull up)
    • 512 bytes of RAM
    • 13 bit out/ 12 bit in.
Card Set
Computer interfacing class