
  1. what are the three types of microorganisms in odontogenic infections?
    • faculativie gram positive cocci (S VIRIDANS)
    • anaerobic gram positive cocci
    • gram negative bacilli
  2. what is thre predominating microorganism in periodontal infections?
    gram negative
  3. what is the drug of choice for odontogenic infections?
    Pen VK
  4. what are the indications for antibacterials for oral infection? 7
    • malaise
    • fever
    • trismus
    • rapid respiration
    • lymphadenopathy
    • swelling
    • hypotension
  5. t/f purulent exudate may block antibiotic effect
  6. t/f tx must be done for odontogenic infections or they will come back if just given antibiotic
  7. t/f pharmacology sucks
  8. the routine use of antibacterial agents for management of _____ infections is not _____, you must get rid of the _____
    • odontogenic infections
    • effective
    • source
  9. what is the appropriate drug of choice unless a pt has an allergy for treatment of uncomplicated odontogenic infection?
    pen VK
  10. what ist he primary line of antibacterial chemotherapy
    pen VK
  11. what is the secondary line of treatment for odontogenic infections?
    • metronidazole
    • axithromycin
  12. what iswhat is the tertiary line of treatment for odontogenic infections?
  13. what is the empirical drug of choice for uncomplicated odontogenic infections in pt who are allergic to beta-lactam antibiotics
  14. if significant improvement is not noted with penicillin VK in __ -__ hours add what to pen VK?
    • 48-72 hours
  15. metronidazole is bactericidal against what?
    most obligate anareobes
  16. ______ base is most associated with antibiotic resistance
  17. what is more appropriate for pt allergic to beta lactam (penicilllin and cephalosporin) than the macrolides?
  18. what is the drug of choice for treatment of complicated or long standing odontogenic infection
    clindamycin (cleocin)
  19. what is the associated with the black box warning?
    pseudomembranous colitis (clindamycin)
  20. what are two examples of drugs placed ino the periodontal sulcus with perio disease?
    • doxycycline
    • minocycline
  21. doxycycline hyclate is in an ______ doseform taken in ____m g tablet
    • oral
    • 20
  22. doxycycline hyclate oral doseform uses the matrix _______ inhibitory effect to slow _____ inflammation
    • metalloproteinase
    • periodontal
  23. what are three cardiac conditions that warrant antibiotic premedicaiton prior to invasive detnal procedures?
    • artificial heart valves
    • specific congenital heart defects
    • cardiac trasplnat that develops vavular problems
  24. what three congenital hear defects require premed?
    • unrepaired or incomplete repaired congenital heart disease
    • completely repaired congenital heart defect with prosthetic material or device 1-6 month post surgery
    • repaired congenital heart defect with residual defect at site or adjacent to site with prosthetic patch or device
  25. t/f mitral vavle prolapse requires a premed?
  26. mitral valve prolapse, rheumatic heart disease, bicuspid valve disease, calcified aortic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy......
    all these do not require premedication any more
  27. t/f stents require pre med
    FALSE shunts yes stents no
  28. t/f shunts require a premed
    true! shunts yes stents no
  29. what are two adverse effects of antibiotics
    • allergy
    • antibiotic resistance
  30. how long are antibiotics recommended for TJR
    2 years
  31. what drugs do you not use for TJR?
    macrolides-erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin DO NOT USE FOR TJR
  32. t/f macrolides should not be used for TJR
    true dat mhm
  33. what are procedures that require antibiotics in TJR?
    • probing
    • implant
    • intraligament and intraosseous local anesthetic injections
    • oral prophylaxis
  34. what ist he most important use of prophylaxis
    preventing bacterial endocarditis
  35. what is the the #1 most important part of prophylaxis for prevention of infective endocarditis?
    maintainint oral hygiene and receiving regular dental care to avoid formation of transient bacteremias
  36. the american heart associaition guidelines for prophylaxis are for what four things?
    • prosthetic heart valve
    • previous endocarditis
    • congenital heart diesase
    • cardiac transplant (valvulopathy)
Card Set
antibacterial drugs pg 122-