the complete set of genes and organism posesses (about 25,000 in humans)
the notion that we can design the future of human species by fostering the reproduction of persons with certain traits and by discouraging of persons without those traits.
percentage of variance
refers to the fact that individuals vary, or are differeent from eachother, and this variability can be partitioned into percentages that are due to different causes
is a statistic that refers to the proportion of observed variance in a group of individuals that can be accounted for by genetic variance
Phenotype variance
refers to observed individual differences, such as height, weight or personality
genotype variance
refers to individual differences in the total collection of genes posseed by each person
percentage observed varienance in a group of individuals that cna be attributed to environmental (nongenetic) differences
nature-nurture debate
the arguments about wether genes or environments are more important determinants of personality
Family studies
correlate the degree of genetic relatedness amoung family members with the degree of perosnality similarity and capitalize on the fact that there are known degrees of genetic overlap among family members
twin studies
estimate heritability by gauging whether identical twins, who share 100% of their genes are more similar to eachother than fraternal twins who only share 50% of their genes
monozygotic (MZ) twins
dizygotic (DZ) twins
fraternal twins
adoption studies
examine correlations between adopted children and their adoptive parents, whom they share no genes
genotype-environmental interaction
refers to the differential response of individuals with diffeent genotypes to the same environment
genotype-environment correlation
the differntial exposure of individuals with different genotypes
passive genotype-environment correlation
occurs when parents provide both genes and the environment to the children, yet the children do nothing to obtain that environment
reactive genotype-environment correlation
occurs whn parents (or others) respond to children differently depending on the childrens genotypes
active genotype envoronment correllation
occurs when a person with a particular genotype creates or seeks out a particulare environment
molecular genetics
techniques designed to identify the specific genes associated with specific traits, such as personality traits.
most frequently examined gene which is located on the short arm of chromosome 11
environmentalist view
personality was determied by socialization practices, such as parenting style
Goals of behavioral genetics
- - Determine the percentage of individual differences in a trait that can be attributed to genetic differences and percentage that can be attributed to environmental differences
- - Determine the ways in which genes and environment interact and correlate with each other to produce individual differences
- - Determine precisely where in the “environment” environmental effects exist—e.g., parental socialization, different teachers to which children are exposed
- - Proportion of observed variance in group of individuals that can be explained or accounted for by genetic variance
- - Proportion of phenotypic variance that is attributable to genetic variance
Misconceptions about heritability
- Heritability CANNOT be applied to single individual
- Heritability is NOT constant or immutable
- Heritability is NOT a precise statistic
selective breeding
- Can only occur if a desired trait is heritable
- Selective breeding studies of dogs
- Cannot be ethically conducted with humans
Major findings from behavioral genetic research
- - personality traits
- - attitudes and preferences
- - drinking and smoking
genotype-environment correlations:
Parents provide both genes and environment to children, yet children do nothing to obtain that environment
genotrype-environement correlations:
Parents (or others) respond to children differently depending on the child’s genotype
genotype-environment correlations: active
Person with particular genotype seeks out a particular environment