Chapter 44

  1. Homeostasis
    The ability to maintain physiologically favorable internal environments, even if external conditions change so drastically that individual cells would perish.
  2. Water balance and wast disposal depend on what?
    Transport epithelia.
  3. An animal's nitrogenous wastes are correlated with two factors. What are they?
    Phylogeny and habitat.
  4. What are the three ways an organism can maintain a physiologically favorable environment?
    Thermoregulation, osmoregulation, and excretion.
  5. Thermoregulation
    Maintining body temperature within a tolerable range.
  6. Osmoregulation
    Regulating solute balance and the gain/loss of water.
  7. Excretion
    The removal of nitrogen-containing waste products of metabolism.
  8. The quantity of waste products impacts __________________________.
    Water balance.
  9. Ammonia
    Is toxic and an animal using it must have access to high amounts of water.
  10. Urea
    Has a low toxicity, so it can be stored in high concentration, but it takes energy to make it.
  11. Uric acid
    Very low toxicity, is insoluble and saves water, but takes a LOT of enery to make.
  12. What do excretory systems do?
    They dispose of metabolic wastes, adjust rates of loss of particular solutes to control body fluid concentration, and most produce urine.
  13. What are the four steps in most excretory systems?
    Filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion.
Card Set
Chapter 44
Biology 109 at UMKC flash cards