- Requires muscel activity- Diaphragm and external intercostals
- Normal Relaxed breathing
- Relaxation phase, should be passive
- If forced will use abdominals & internal intercostals
- Coughing is done during the expiration phase and reuires forced expiration
Define Tidal Volume
- Amount of air entering lungs with each normal breath
- 500ml
Define Residual Volume
- Amount of air remaining in the lungsafter forced expiration
- 1200mL
Define Inspiratory Reserve
- Maximal volume of air inspired in excess of normal tidal volume
- 3000mL
Define Expiratory Reserve
- Maximal volume or air expired following a passive expiration
- 1200mL
Vital Capacity
- maxiaml amount of air expired following a maximal inspiration
- 4600mL
Total Lung Capacity
- Total volume or air in the lungs after maximal inspiration
- 6000mL
Chemial Factors affecting repiration
What drives breathing
- Centeral chempreceptors in the medulla repsond to:
- slight elevation in PCO2 and Decreased cerebrospinal fluid pH
- Peripheral Chemorecptor in the heart are sensitve to decrease O2 levesl in arterial blood as well as low pH
Factors that affect gas exchange
- accumulation of fluid in alveoli or interstital fluid
- adequate surface area for gas exchange to occur
- Need a balance of ventilation and perfusion
Manifestations of poor gas exchange
- Inadequate O2 in circulation
- Decreased O2 for cell meatbolism
Diagnostic Test for Respiratory
- Pulmonary Volumes
- Arterial blood gases
- Oximeters
- Exercise testing
- Radiography
- Bronchoscopy
- Culture and sensitivity tests
- Yellow green thick- bacteria
- Rusty Dark - pneumococcal pneumonia
- Large amounts, purulent sputum - Brocnchiectasis
- Thick tenacious - cystic fibrosis
- Blood Tinged - blood vessels rupture Tb Tumor
- Hemoptysis - blood tinged frothy sputum- pulmonary edema
Define Eupnea
- Normal Rate and rhythm of breathing
- 10-18 per min
Define Kussmaul Respirations
Deep Rapid
Define Cheyne Stokes
- apnea, the increasing then decreasing depth of respiration
- happens with head injury
Define Wheezing
whistling sound
Define Striodr
High pitched crowing wound
Define Dyspnea
Difficult breathing
Define Orthopnea
Difficult breating in supine
Define Paroxysmal Nocturnal dyspnea
sudden acute dyspnea and left side CHF
Define Rales
- serous secretions
- light bubbly sounds
Define Thonchi
- Thicker secretions
- deeper harsher sounds
Pleural pain
- Inflammation or infection
- Pain increases with inspiration or coughing
Common Treatment Measures
- Avoid allergens
- Humidify air - thinner secretions
- Exercise
- Breathing and coughing
- Cheast PT
- Oxygen
- Medications
- Surgery
Define Infectious Rhinitis
- The common cold
- Caused by virus - can go on the develop secondary bacterial infection
- Treated according to symptoms
- Upper Respiratory Tract infection
Define Sinusitis
- Bacterial infection in the upper tract
- Exudate builds up causes pain
- Treated for pain, decongestant, antibodies
- Viral illness common in kids 1-2
- larynx and glottis are swollen inflamed
- S&S: hoarse barking cough inpiratory stridor resless
- Treatment: cold moisturized air
- May affect both upper and lower respiratory tract
- S&S: sudden acute onset with fever fatigue and aching pains
- may be complicated by a secondary bacterial infection
- Treatment: anit-viratl meds in first 48 hours
- Bronchiolitis
- common in kids age 2-12months VERY CONTAGIOUS
- Causes inflammtion necrosis of bronchioles, increases secrestions, reflexive bronchospams, wheezing, dyspnea
General Pneumonia facts
- classified by causative agent or lung area affects pathologial change or epideiologic data
- Process:
- Inflammation cause exudate of fluid in the lungs
- Fluid & Exudate gets into lungs and blocks gas exchange at alveoli level
- Fluid contains fibrin which overtime cause lung tissue to soldify
Three Types of pneumonia
- Lobar pneumonia
- Bronchopeumonia
- Primary Atypical
Lobar Pneumonia
- Caused by streptococcus pneumonia
- Localized to one or more lobes
- Sudden onset
- Signs: high fever chills ratles orgessing to no breath sounds productive cough RUSTY SPUTUM
- treatment: antibacterial, supportive care
- Diffuse pattern of infactions in both lungs more ofetn in the lower lobes
- Multiple bacteria
- Insidious onset
- Signs: mild fever, productive cough YELLOW GREEN SPUTUM, dyspnea
Primary Atypial Pneumonia
- Caused by Mycoplasma pneumonis bacterium or an influenza virus
- Scattered small patch involves interstitial inflammtion
- Signs:
- variable fever headache, aching mucles non-productive baking cough milder more slef limiting
- Treatment: Erythopyocin or tetracycline
- Severe acute respirtory syndrome
- Coause by a coranacirus
- transmitted by repiratory droples during close contact
- S&S:
- 1st stage: fever, HA, myalgia, chills, anorexia, and frequend diarrhea last 3-7 days
- Next: dry cough and marked dyspnea
- Chest X-ray spreading patchy area of interstitial congestions
- Mechanical Ventilation may be need in progesses to severe sometimes fatal respiratory disease
- Countaious lung infection mycobacterium tuberculosis
- causes: exposure to infected person
- S&S: low grade fever, nigh sweats, cough, anorexia, fatigue
- Diagnosis: skin test chest xray, seutum analysis
- Treatment: meds for 3-12 months
Primary and Secondary TB infection
- Primary: if pt has adequate resistance bacilli become alled off form a tubercle
- Pt is infected but NO ACTIVE DISEASE
- Secondary: active form bacillus is not alled off
- destruction of lung tissue, erosion of bronchi blood vessels ACTIVE DIESEASE