A __________is a localized injury to the skin and other ynderlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure or pressure in combination w/shear and/or friction
pressure ulcer
Age related changes, such as:
cause the older adults skin to be easily torn in response to mechanical trauma, especially shearing forces
reduced skin elasticity
decreased collagen
thinning of undrelying muscle and tissues
________ & _______, which are common in the older adult, are factors that interfere w/wound healing
concomitant medical conditions
Name some factors that put a client at risk for pressure ulcer development...(4)
decreased mobility
decreased sensory perception
fecal or urinary incontinence
poor nutrition
Prolonged, intense pressure affects cellular metabolism by decreasing or obliterating blood flow, resulting in tissue _______ & ultimately tissue death
The three pressure related factors that contribute to pressure ulcer development are:
pressure intensity-how much pressure is applied
pressure duration-how long is pressure applied
tissue tolerance-ability of tissue to redistribute weight
A nurse can quote pressure ulcer stage if it has been established by a wound care specialist but nurses can not diagnose stages of pressure ulcers
*Once you have staged a ulcer, this stage endures een as the ulcer heals ex: healing stage III pressure ulcer
This is the minimal amount of pressure required to collapse a capillary
capillary closing pressure
If the hyperemia area blanches and the erythema returns when you remove your finger, the hyperemia is transient and is an attempt to overcome the ischemic episode, thus called _____________
blanching hypermia
Dark skinned ppl do not blanch. How do you assess for possible skin breakdown?
use natural or halogen light source
avoid fluorescent light source, it casts a bluish hue making assessment difficult
color appears darker than surrounding skin
has purplish/bluish hue
initial warmth when compaired to surrounding skin
The extrensic factors of ____,____ and _____affect the ability of the skin to tolerate pressure.
The greater the degree of these things being present, the more suseptible skin will be to damage
A factor related to tissue tolerance pertains to the ability of the underlying skin structures to assist in redistributing pressure. Systemic factors such as: (3) affect the tissue's tolerance to externally applied pressure
poor nutrition
increased aging
low blood pressure
When ____ is present, the skin and subcutaneous layers adhere to the surface of the bed and the layers of muscle and the bones slide in the direction of body movement
shear-this involves the underlying tissue capillaries and necrosis occurs deep w/in the tissue layers
Mechanical force excerted when skin is dragged across a coarse surface such as bed linens
friction-affects the epidermis
Pressure ulcer assessment includes (5)
depth of tissue involvement (staging)
type & approximate % of tissue in wound bed
wound dimensions
exudate description
condition of surrounding skin
List the decubitus stage:
Intact skin w/nonblanchable redness of a localized area
Stage I
List the decubitis stage:
Partial-thickness skin loss involving epidermis, dermis or both. The ulcer is superficial and presents clinicall as an abrasion, blister or shallow crater.
Stage II
List the decubitis stage:
Full-thickness tissue loss. Subcutaneous fat may be visible, but bone, tendon, or muscle are not exposed. May include undermining or tunneling
Stage III
List the decubitis stage:
Full-thickness tissue loss w/exposed bone, tendon or muscle. Slough or eschar may be present on some parts of the wound. Often includes undermining & tunneling
Stage IV
The NPUAP has developed a definition for an ulcer in which the base of the wound cannot be visualized. An _______ ulcer is a full-thickness tissue loss in which the base of the ulcer is covered by slough (yellow, tan, gray, green, or brown) and/or eschar (tan, brown, black) in the wound bed
unstageable ulcer
________is red moist tissue composed of new blood vessls, the presence of which indicates progression toward healing
granulation tissue
soft yellow or white tisue is characteristic of ________(stringy substance attached to the wound bed)
Wound _______ describes the amount, color, consistency and odor of wound drainage and is part of the wound assessment
exudate-excessive indicates infection
Wound classification system describes:5
describe the status of skin integrity
cause of the wound
severity or extent of tissue injury/damage
cleanliness of the wound
descriptive qualities of the wound tissue such as color
Process of wound healing with little tissue loss. The skin edges are approximated or closed and the risk for infection is low
primary intention
Process of wound healing involving loss of tissue such as a burn, pressure ulcer or sever laceration. The wound is left open until it becomes filled w/scar tissue.
secondary intention-it takes longer for this wound to heal thus the risk for infection is greater
This wound is left open for several days, then the wound edges are approximated. The closure of wound is delayed until risk of infection is resolved
tertiary intention
Wound that proceeds through an orderly and timely reparative process that results in sustained restoration of anatomical & functional integrity
Wound that fails to proceed through an orderly & timely process to produce anatomical & functional integrity
There are three components involved in the healing process of a partial-thickness wound:
A wound left open to air can resurface in 6-7 days whereas a wound that is kept moist can resurface in 4 days. The difference in the healing rate is related to the fact that epidermal cells _________________
only migrate across a moist surface
The three phases involved in the healing process of a full-thickness wound are:
inflammatory-reaction to wounding & lasts approx 3 days
proliferative-filling of wound w/granulation tissue 4-21 days
remodeling-maturation 3-4 weeks
Leukocytes reach wound w/in a few hours. The primary WBC is the neutrophil, which begins to injest bacteria. The 2nd important leukocyte is the monocyte which transforms into macrophages "garbage cells" and clean a wound of bacteria, dead cells and debris by way of phagocytosis
Impairment of healing during the proliferative phase usually results from systemic factors such as age, anemia, hypoproteinemia and zinc deficiency
Complications of wound healing:
Internal bleeding from a hemorrage is detected by:
looking for distention or swelling of the affected body part
a change in the type & amount of drainage from drain
signs of hypovolemic shock
_____is a localized collection of blood underneath the tissues that appears as a swelling, change in color, sensation or warmth or mass that often takes on a bluish discoloration
True or false:
If a wound culture is taken and has negative results, if purulent material drains from the wound, it is considered infected
A surgical wound infection usually does not develop until the ___ or ____ postoperative day.
4th or 5th
_________is the partial or total seperation of wound layers.
Clients often report that it feels as something has "given way".
Dehiscence-3-11 days after injury
Although poor nutritional status, infection and obesity are at risk for dehiscence, obese clients have a >risk bc of the constant strain placed on their wounds
With total separation of wound layers, ___________ is a protrusion of visceral organs through a wound opening
Evisceration-This is an emergency situation. The nurse places sterile towels soaked in sterile saline over the tissues to reduce bacterial in invasion & drying. NPO
A _______ is an abnormal passage between two organs or between an organ and the outside of the body. Most result from poor wound healing or a complication of disease such as Crohn's
Types of wound drainage:
Clear, watery plasma
Types of wound drainage:
Thick, yellow, green, tan, or brown
Types of wound drainage:
Pale, red, waters: mixture of clear and red fluid
Types of wound drainage:
Bright red: indicates active bleeding
Name 2 common scales for predicting pressure ulcer risk:
Norton Scale
Braden scale
Your patient returns from surgery and after a few hours you notice the surgical dressing is soaked w/blood. What would be your course of action?
Do not remove or replace the dressing. Add more dressing to the current dressing. The 1st dressing is usually changed by the physician/team.
Pressure ulcers usually develop w/in the _________of hospitalization
first 2 weeks
Physiological processes of wound healing depend on the availability of ____, vitamins __ & ___ and the trace minerals ____ & ______.
A well nourished surgical pt still requires at least _____kcal/day for nutritional maintenance
vitamins A
vitamin C
1500 kcal/day
______proteins are biochemical indicators of malnutrition
serum proteins
An _______ is superficial w/little bleeding and is considered a partial-thickness wound. The wound appears "weepy" because of plasma leakage from damaged capillaries.
A _______sometimes bleeds more profusely, depending on the wound's depth and location
_________wounds bleed in relation to the depth and size of the wound.
the primary dangers of punctures wounds are internal bleeding & infection
Frequent skin assessment should be performed at least ______/day.
High-risk clients will need more frequent shik assessments, such as _______
every shift
Elevating the head of the bed to 30 degrees or less will decrease the chance of pressure ulcer development from shearing forces
Make sure to reposition clients at least every 2 hours on a schedule
limit the amount of time client sits to 2 hrs or less
inform client to shift weight every 15 min
You clean pressure unlcers with _______ or ____________
noncytotoxic wound cleaners such as normal saline or
commercial wound cleansers
Wound irrigation (high-pressure irrigation and pulsatile high pressure lavage) and whirlpool treatments are all methods of _______debridement
_________debridement uses synthetic dressings over a wound to allow the eschar to be self-digested by the action of enzymes that are present in wound fluids
autolytic debridement
You can accomplish _____debridement with the use of a topical enzyme preparation, Dakin's solution or sterile maggots
_______debridement is the removal of devitalized tissue by using a scalpel, scissors, or other sharp instrument
It is the quickest method of debridement and is indicated when the client has signs of cellulitis or sepsis
A friction injury occurs in clients who are:
have spastic conditions
skin is dragged rather than lifted when repositioned
Observing all surgical wounds closely withing the _________to______hrs, when risk of hemorrhage is the greatest