AP US History Ch 29

  1. Henry Demarest Lloyd
    Wrote Wealth Against Commonwealth
  2. Thorstein Veblen
    Wrote The Theory of the LEisure Class
  3. Jacob A. Riis
    Reporter for the New York Sun who wrote How the Other Half Lives
  4. Theodore Dreiser
    Wrote The Financier and The Titan
  5. McClure's, Cosmopolitan, Colliers, Everybody's
    Magazines that sought to expose soocial injustice beginning in 1902
  6. Lincoln Steffens
    Authored the series "The Shame of the Cities" in McClure's that exposed the corrupt alliance between big businesses and local government
  7. Ida M. Tarbell
    published devastatating expose about the Standers Oil Company
  8. Thomas W. Lawson
    Made $50 million on the stock market; later detailed his accomplices' immoral practices in "Frenzied Finance," published in Everybody's
  9. David G Phillips
    Wrote "The Treason of the Senate" in the Cosmopolitan, accusing Senators of working for trusts and railroads rather than the people
  10. Ray Stannard Baker
    Wrote about the subjugation of blacks in Following the Color Line
  11. John Spargo's
    Wrote about the abuse of child labor in The Bitter Cry of the Children
  12. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley
    Chief chemist of the Department of Agriculture who performed experiments on himself with his "Poison Squad." His results, along with reports in Collier's, discredited phony patent medicines.
  13. 17th Amendment
    Established direct election of U.S. senators
  14. Galveston, Texas
    First city to use a city-manager system in 1901
  15. Robert M. La Follette (Fighting Bob)
    Became government of Wisconsin and wrestled political power away from corporations to put the people in charge
  16. hIRAM w. jOHNSON
    1910 Republican Governor of California; he prosecuted grafters to break Southern Pacific Railroad's control over the state
  17. Women's Trade Union League, National Consmers League, Children's Bureau, and Women's Bureau
    Femal activist organizations
  18. Florence Kelley
    Became Illinois's first chief factory inspector and in 1899 took control of the National Consumers League
  19. Muller v. Oregon
    Supreme Court case that decided that laws should be placed to prevent women from harmful effects of factory labor.
  20. Lochner v. New York
    Supreme Court case that almost eliminated the 10-hour workday for bakers
  21. Triangle Shirtwaist Company
    Factory in New York City that caught fire and, due to fire code violations, became a death trap for its workers.
  22. Frances E. Willard
    Founder of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (SCTU), which became the largest women's organization in the world
  23. 1902 mining strike
    Workers went on strike, demanding a shorter workday and higher pay; the owners ignored them; Theodore Roosevelt threatened to use force against the business, not the workers, for the first time; they agreed to arbitration, and the workers got some of their demands.
  24. Department of Commerce and Labor
    Made in 1903; included the Bureau of Corporations, which was authorized to probe businesses engaged in interstate commerce
  25. Elkins Act of 1903
    Placed fines on railroads that gave and shippers that recieved rebates
  26. Hepburn Act of 1906
    Restricted free passes
  27. J.P. Morgan and James J. Hill
    Organizers of the Norhtern Securities Company
  28. Upton Sinclair
    Author of The Jungle who opened America's eyes to the unsanitary process used for meat packing
  29. Meat Inspection Act of 1906
    Decreed that the preparation of meat shipped over state lines was subject to federal inspection
  30. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
    Ensured accurate labelling of food and pharmaceuticals
  31. Ddesert Land Act of 1877
    Government sold arid land cheaply, requiring that buyers irrigate it within 3 years
  32. Forest Reserve Act of 1891
    Authorized the president to set aside public forests as national parks and reserves
  33. Carey Act of 1894
    Distributed federal land to states on the condition that it would be irrigated
  34. Newlands Act of 1902
    Authorized Washington to collect money from the sale of public land in the west and use it to develop irrigation
  35. Roosevelt Dam
    Dam on Arizona's Salt River dedicated by Teddy Roosevelt in 1911
  36. Hetch Hetchy controversy
    The preservationalists protested when the federal government allowed San Francisco to build a dam for its local water supply in the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park.
  37. "Roosevelt Panic" of 1907
    Financial panic that businesses blamed on Roosevelt which led to the Aldrich-Breeland and Federal Reserve Acts.
  38. William Howard Taft
    Teddy Roosevelt's chosen successor who won the 1908 presidential election. (Republican)
  39. Philander C. Knox
    1909 Secretary of State
  40. Dollar Diplomacy
    Taft's approach to foreign policy that involved investing in foreign areas important to the U.S. to keep other countries out of those areas' economies
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AP US History Ch 29
Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt