What is "Procedure Coding"?
Translates textual description of route or a terminal procedure into a format useable in RNAV systems.
What are the steps to Procedure Coding?
- 1. Translation from AIP text/chart into ARINC 424 alphanumeric code
- 2. Translation from ARINC 424 into avionic specific binary code (known as ‘packing’)
How are individual (enroute) airway legs defined?
By waypoint and altitude constraints
What does ENRT indicate?
En-route holds not associated with any aerodrome
How are STARs and Approaches linked?
Approaches and runways?
ENRT Transitions
RWY Transitions
How are Individual legs defined ?
by heading, waypoint, waypoint transition, path terminator, speed constraint, altitude constraint as appropriate
What are the types of Waypoint Transitions?
Fly By, Fly Over, Radius to Fix (RF)
List RNAV Path indicators.
- A - Constant DME arc
- C - Course to
- D - Direct Track
- F - Course from a Fix to
- H - Holding pattern
- I - Initial
- R- Constant radius
- T - Track between
- V - Heading to
List RNAV Terminator indicators
- A - Altitude
- C - Distance
- D - DME Distance
- F - Fiix
- I - Next leg
- M - Manual termination
- R - Radial termination
Describe the following RNAV Path Terminators
- (There are 14 all together)
- CA - Course to an Altitude
- CF - Course to a Fix
- DF - Direct to a Fix
- FA - Fix to an altitude
- FM - Fix to a Manual Termination
Describe the following RNAV Path Terminators
- (There are 14 all together)
- HA - Racetrack Course Reversal (Alt Term)
- HF - Racetrack (Single Circuit - Fix Term)
- HM - Racetrack (Manual Termination)
Describe the following RNAV Path Terminators
- (There are 14 all together)
- IF - Initial Fix
- TF - Track to a Fix
- RF - Constant Radius Arc
- VA - Heading to an Altitude
- VI - Heading to an Intercept
- VM - Heading to a Manual Termination
List the points in a RF leg.
- A - Previous Segment
- B - Arc Center
- C - Next Segment
What happens if the RNAV system does not have the leg type demanded by the procedure?
- If the RNAV system does not have leg type demanded by procedure data packers have to select one (or combination of) available leg types to give best approximation.
What are the benefits of Speed and Altitude Constraints?
- Speed:
- Tighter turn radius/greater flexibility in procedure
- design.
- Altitude:
- Protects for traffic/airspace/obstacles.
Describe the difference between Textual Description
and RNAV Procedure.
- Textual
- description provides formal statement of procedure
- Often open to interpretation.
- RNAV procedures
- require more specific details including path terminators
- Can result in lengthy descriptions.
- Alternative descriptive methods have been developed by IFPP (OCP) and adopted by ICAO
- Tabular layout
- Formalized textual description
- Formalized short-hand description
Describe RNAV Validation Activities
- Ground Validation
- –Obstacle clearance
- –Charting
- –Coding
- –Flyability
- Flight Validation
- –Obstacle verification (optional)
- –Flyability (workload, charting, manoeuvring)
- –Infrastructure
- Database Validation
Describe Ground Validation Activities
- •Obstacle clearance
- Independent review by procedure designer
- •Charting
- Independent review
- •Coding
- Software tool (e.g. Smiths PDT) or
- Expert review
- •Flyability software tools (from
- PC-based to full flight simulator)
- Not necessarily an issue with standard procedures (e.g. ‘T’ approaches), but critical for some
- aircraft types
- Range of aircraft and meteo conditions
Describe Flight Validation
- •Obstacle verification
- Necessary where full obstacle survey cannot be assured
- •Flyability
- Detailed workload and charting assessments, but
- High level qualitative assessment of manoeuvring only (rely mainly on Ground Validation)
- •Infrastructure assessment
- Runway markings, lighting, communications, navigation etc