
  1. T/F antibaterial products are chemically created by another microorganism

    antibiotics are chemical substances produced by microorganisms
  2. antibiotics are capable of _____ or______ the growth of other microorganisms such as______, ______,
    • killing
    • supressing
    • bacteria
    • virus
    • fungus
  3. T/F antibacterial is a drug used to kill or suppress the growth of bacteria
  4. T/F antibacterial and antibiotics are the same
  5. T/F Aerobic microbes can only live in the presence of C02 and Oxygen
    False its only oxygen...
  6. T/F Anaerobic means bacteria hate exercising, cause they don't like oxygen
    True- they are Anti Oxygen...they thrive in dark places, moist places that never see the sun.
  7. antibiotic drug resistance can be caused by microorganisms gaining a trait thru ______ ______, or acquiring _____ ______ from another microorganism, which allows them to resist the action specific to that antibiotic.
    • genetic mutation
    • genetic material

    its either a mutant, or gene trading goin on
  8. What is the name of an infection caused by normal flora bacteria?
  9. If something is capable of killing bacteria it is _______,and ________.
  10. an antibacterial agent capable of suppressing the growth or multiplication of bacteria is ?
  11. this type of microbe is able to live in the presence of oxygen or with out
  12. to give a higher dose of a drug at first and then subsequent lower doses inorder to reach a theraputic level faster with only one or two doses is called ?
    Load dose
  13. suprainfections are caused by _____ of microorganisms that are not _______ to antibacterial therapy.
    • overgrowth
    • susceptible
  14. IE stands for?
    Infective endocarditits
  15. TRJ stands for?
    Total Joint Replacement
  16. For antibiotic prophylaxis DH record what key things in the tx plan? 3
    • What
    • When
    • How Much
  17. antibacterial Potential adverse drug effects in the mouth that effect tx plan are? 3
    • stained mucosa (minocycline)
    • candidiasis or nausea (erythromycin, tetracycline)
  18. antibiotic applies to ______, ________
    antiviral, and antifungal
  19. antibacterial agents are used in dentistry for what?
    unresolved infection after removing the cause

    antibiotic prophylaxis
  20. resolving cause of infection is done through what tx?
    • debridement
    • endodontics
    • extraction
  21. T/F caries causing bacteria is not transfered from the care giver to the fetus, they already have it.
    False: yucky mouths pass it on.
  22. normal flora includes which types of microorganisms?
    bacteria, fungi, protazoa, viruses
  23. symbiotic relationships are established with the ________ _____ and ________
    human host andother microorgansims
  24. types of symbiotic relationships are:
    mutualist, commensal, parasitic
  25. Infections is defined as: the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms in body tissues, resulting in local _____ _____ due to competative _________, ______________, or _______________
    • cellular injury
    • metabolism
    • toxin production
    • immune mediated reactions
  26. T/F autogenous infections are pathogenic
    • True
    • the bodys normal flora has changed
  27. What are the rules for prescribing antibiotics?
    • remove infectous debris and allow immune response
    • select agent to which infecting microbes are suseptible to
    • select narrow spectrum and least toxicity
  28. one strategy is to target differences between ________ and _________ cells
    prokaryotic and eukaryotic
  29. T/F prokaryotic are human cells and eukaryotic are bacterial cells
    FALSE...prokayotic are bacterial, and eukaryotic is youkaryotic
  30. Do human cells have cell walls?
    NO, Only bacteria, cell walls are targets
  31. similar targets in bacteria and human cells are metabolic pathways, only the possess different______or ________
    • enzymes
    • receptor isoforms
  32. T/F bacteria and human cells have shared targets and synthesize proteins
    True! Only they are different size ribosomes, ribosomal RNA and amino acids
  33. T/F Drugs are least toxic if they share pathways
    False- they are least toxic when they are targeted to unique differences in cells
  34. T/F selectivity is related to toxicity
    true...true...goin for desired effect
  35. Gram negative bacteria are anerobic and associated with what 3 things?
    • Fever
    • Lymphandenopathy
    • spreading infection
Card Set
Chpt 9 pharmacology