head neck origins/insertion

  1. Origin: superior mental spine of mandible

    Insertion: radiates into tongue from its tip to root w/lower fibers inserting into body of hyoid
  2. Origin: entire greater horn and adjacent part of body of hyoid bone

    Insertion: side of tongue
  3. Origin: styloid process near its apex

    Insertion: side of tongue along its entire length
  4. Origin: upper anterior surface of manubrium of sternum; upper surface of medial third of clavicle

    Insertion: lateral surface of mastoid process
  5. Origin: mastoid notch of temporal bone

    Insertion: fibrous loop to hyoid
    posterior belly of digastric
  6. Origin: digastric fossa of mandible

    Insertion: fibrous loop to hyoid
    anterior belly of digastric
  7. Origin: base of styloid process

    Insertion: body of hyoid
  8. Origin: mylohyoid line of mandible

    Insertion: body of hyoid and median fibrous raphe
  9. Origin: inferior mental spine of mandible

    Insertion: body of hyoid
  10. Origin: back of upper part of manubrium of sternum

    Insertion: lower border of body of hyoid
  11. Origin: upper border of scapula medial to scapular notch

    Insertion: lower border of hyoid body
    omohyoid (superior and inferior bellies)
  12. Origin: back of manubrium below sternohyoid

    Insertion: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
  13. Origin: oblique line of thyroid

    Insertion: lower border of greater horn of hyoid
  14. Origin: anterior tubercle of the atlas and the body of T3

    Insertion: vertebral bodies and anterior transverse tubercles
    longus colli
  15. Origin: anterior transverse tuburcles of C3-6

    Insertion: inferior surface of basilar occiptal bone
    Longus capitis
  16. Origin: anterior surface of lateral mass of atlas and root of its transverse process

    Insertion: inferior surface of basilar occipital bone
    rectus capitis anterior
  17. Origin: upper surface of transverse process of atlas

    Insertion: inferior surface of jugular process of occiptal bone
    rectus capitis lateralis
  18. Origin: anterior transverse tubercles of C3-6

    Insertion: scale tubercle and ridge on upper surface of first rib anterior to groove for subclavian a.
    scalenus anterior
  19. Origin: posterior transverse tubercles of C2-7

    Insertion: upper surface of first rib behind subclavian groove
    scalenus medius
  20. Origin: posterior transverse tubercles of C4-6

    Insertion: outer border of second rib behind serratus anterior
    scalenus posterior
  21. Origin: lower border and medial surface of zygomatic arch

    Insertion: lateral surface of coronoid process, ramus, and angle of mandible
  22. origin: most of temporal fossa and deep surface of temporal fossa

    Insertion: coronoid process and anterior border of ramus
  23. Origin: infratemporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid; lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate

    Insertion: articular capsule and disc of TMJ; neck of mandible
    Lateral pterygoid (2 heads)
  24. Origin: medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate

    Insertion: medial surface of ramus and angle of mandible as high as mandibular foramen
    Medial pterygoid
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head neck origins/insertion
origins/insertions head/neck