Head and neck mm actions

  1. Occipitalis
    pulls the scalp back
  2. Frontalis
    raises eyebrows and wrinkles forehead (surprise, fright)
  3. orbicularis oculi
    closes the lids
  4. corrugator supercilii
    draws eyebrows together (frowning)
  5. procerus
    pulls skin of nose upward (wrinkles on bridge of nose)
  6. nasalis
    compresses or dilates nostrils
  7. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
    levator labii superioris
    levator anguli oris
    raise and evert upper lip and corner of mouth (snarling)
  8. risorius
    zygomaticus major
    zagomaticus minor
    retract and raise corner of mouth (grin, smile, laugh)
  9. depressor labii inferioris
    depressor anguli oris
    • depress lower lip and corner of mouth (sad).
    • mentalis alone protrudes and everts lower lip (pout)
  10. orbicularis oris
    closes lips/purses them for blowing
  11. buccinator
    compresses cheek against teeth (prevents food from accumulating) and is the blowing muscle
  12. platysma
    tightens skin of neck, draws down the lower lip and corner of mouth (grimace), may assist in opening mouth
  13. superior, inferior, medial, and lateral recti
    turn eye upward, downward, medially, and laterally, respectively

    (act in same direction as name)
  14. superior oblique
    turns eye downward and laterally
  15. inferior oblique
    turns eye upward and laterally

    (tendon has a trochlea)
  16. levator palpebrae superioris
    raises upper lid

    Antagonist = orbicularis occuli
  17. genioglossus
    sticks tongue out
  18. hyoglossus
    depresses tongue
  19. styloglossus
    draws tongue upwards and backwards
  20. intrinsic muscles of the tongue (4 groups on each side superior and inferior longitudinal groups, transverse group, vertical group)
    alter shape of the tongue
  21. sternocleidomastoid
    bilaterally: extends head at atlanto-occiptal joint and flexes neck

    unilaterally: side bends head and neck to SAME side, rotates OPPOSITE side
  22. suprahyoid muscles (stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniogyoid)
    elevate hyoid during swallowing

    depress mandible when hyoid is fixed
  23. infrahyoid muscles (sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid)
    depress hyoid and larynx during swallowing after elevation by suprahyoid
  24. longus colli
    bilaterally: flexes neck

    unilaterally: side bends next to SAME side, rotates OPPOSITE
  25. longus capitis
    bilaterally: flexes head and neck

    unilaterally: side bends and rotates head and neck to SAME side
  26. rectus capitis lateralis
    side bends head to SAME side
  27. rectus capitis anterior
    flexes head at atlanto-occipital joints
  28. scalenes
    flex cervical spine, sidebend and rotate to SAME side when ribs fixed

    elevate 2 upper ribs during inspiration when cervical spine fixed
  29. masseter
    elevates mandible (closing mouth)
  30. temporalis
    • anterior fibers: elevate mandible
    • posterior fibers: retract mandible
  31. lateral pterygoid
    both heads: draws mandible toward opposite side (side-to-side grinding movement)

    Upper head: elevates mandible

    Lower head: protrudes/depresses mandible (opens mouth)
  32. medial pterygoid
    • draws mandible toward opposite side
    • protrudes and elevates mandible
Card Set
Head and neck mm actions
muscle actions for head and neck