defined as clinical attachment loss with subsequent bone loss
What is the diagnosis of periodontitis based on?
clinical and radiographic findings
periodontitis is catoragized as
chronic and aggressive
Primary risk factor for periodontitis
dental biofilms
last structures to be lost in PD
periodontal ligament fibers
plasma cell/antibody mediated
occurs with clinical connective tissue attachment loss to the root surface and the apical migration of the apical aspect of the JE along the root surface taht was previously occupied by connective tissue
Periodontal pocket
What are developed in PD pockets between the root surface and the gingiva
rete pegs and microulcerations
__and__migration of the junctional epithelium continues and as this epithelium separates from the root surface
apical and lateral
Two types of periodontal pockets
What distinguishes the two types of pockets
relationship of the base of the pocket or the coronal extent of the JE to the alveolar crest and type of bone destruction
If the base is coronal to the crest of bone
base is apical to the crest of bone
Where is the JE in gingivitis and healthy gingiva
how is teh texture of cementum without PDL fibers
Is it necessary to remove the roughness of cementum in order to remove the endotoxins, bacteria, and other byproducts?
No, rootplanning is not needed bc the endotoxins are found to be very superficia and not embedded deeply into the cementum.
Bone loss involves inflammatory cells including
PMNs and macrophages
Substances involved in bone resorption (4)
- prostaglandins
- endotoxins
- cytokines
- b-cells
what release prostoglandins?
What do prostaglandins do
- activate osteoclasts
- increase # of osteoclasts
- increase # of macrophages
- inhibit bone collagen formation
most important in periodontal distruction
what do endotoxin do
activate inflammatory cells such as macrophages
What do macrophages release
What can IL-1 stimulate the production of
cytokines and prostaglandis stimulate collagenase which does what?
breaks down collagen
Does pocket formation and bone loss occur in all areas of the dentition at the same time?
no: site specific
Is the degree of bone loss aloways correlated with the depth of periodontal pockets
no; a person could have changed and now has healthy gingiva but lots of bone resorption
They types of pockets that form and the pattern of bone loss depend on what?
the rout the inflammation takes from the gingiva to the underlying supporting sturcutures
Where is bone most vascular?
interdentally (so it has the most resorption)
two patterns of bone loss
Bone loss that occurs from its outer aspect buccal and lingual walls. lost equally on the surfaces of two adjacent teeth. Deepest portion of the pocket is located coronal to the alveolar crest
Horizontal bone loss
Bone loss that occurs when teh inflammation travels directly formt eh gingiva into the peridontal ligament and then the bone. occurs at different rates aroun the tooth...more rapid ont eh side of the tooth than the other. the deepest poriton of the bony defect is apical to the alveolar bone crest
Vertical /angular bone loss
A three wall defect that wraps around the tooth and involves two or more adjacent root surfaces is referred to as
circumferential defect
classified according to the number of osseous walls surrounding the pocket
infrabony defects
three bony walls remaining interproximally or facially or lingually and the tooth forming the fourth wall
three wall bony defect
Infrabony defects are usually composed of what bone
what about intrabony
how do you determine if it is intra or infra
a three wall defect that wraps around the tooth and involves two or more adjacent root surfaces is referred to as
has two bony walls remaining
two wall bony defect
the most common angular bony defect
an interdental crater (two wall bony defect with buccal and lingual remaining)
has one wall remaining
one wall bony defect
usually occurs interdentally
one wall defect
if teh remaining wall is the proximal wall the defect is referred to as a
outside a __mm circle, bone loss occurs
Bone destruction occuring where thiere is a wide interdental septume and more thatn 2 mm of with is lost will be verticl or horizontal?
bone destruction occuring where the interdental septum is narrow, less than 2 mm, results in vertical or horizontal
Teeth in anterior are usually
molars are usually
most common form of PD
chronic PD
has a slow rate of progression
chronic PD
in order to develope chronic pd what must be present first
is chronic pd consisered a specific bacterial infection?
no, its a nonspecific bacterial infection
Presence of what bacteria indicates a high probability that pd is presence
Local risk factors for pd
- calculus
- overhang restorations
- retentive conditions
- smoking
- systemic conditions
- hormonal facots
- stress
chronic Pd is classified according to
extent and severity of disease
defined as the number of sites affected
extent is divided into
- localized less than 30%
- generalized..more than 30%
how much disease has occured
severity is calculated from the
features of chronic periodiontisi include
- pocket formation
- alveolar and supporitng bone destruciton
is mobiity always evident in CHronic PD
established risk factors for PD
- bacteria in dental plaque
- smoking
- diabetes mellitus
nicotine in tobacco causes
constriction of blood vessels
smokers appear to have decreased..
PMNs or macrophages..not both
decreasedPMN migration into the oral cavity leads to
depressed phagocytic fxn and impaired healing response
rapidly progressive form of periodontitis
Aggressive periodontitis (AgP)
common features of localized and generalized aggressive periodontisi
- except for the presence of pd, patient are otherwise clincally healthy
- rapid attachment loss and bone destruction
- familial disposition
secondary features that may be present include the following
- amts of microbial depositis are inconsistent with teh seerity of the periodontal tissue destruction
- elevated levels of Aa and in some populations, Pg
- progressiong of attachment loss and bone loss may be self-arresting
- pahgocyte abnormlities
features of localized aggressive pd
- circumpubertal onset
- serum antibody response to the bacteria
- localized first molar/incisor presentaion with interproximal atachemnt loss on at least two permanent teeth, one of which is a first molar and involving no moreht than two teeth other than first molars adn incisors
features of gineralized aggressive periodontitis
- usuaally affecting individuals under 30 years of age but can be older
- pronounced episodic nature of the destruction of attachment oand bone
- poor antibody response to the bacteria
- generalized interproximal attachment looss and bone destructionaffecting at least three permanent teeth other than the first molars and inisiors
a distinguishing feature found in AfP that is not seen in chronic PD is the presence of
PMN an macrophage defects
Periodontisis can be linked to
- heart attacks
- diabetes melitus
- lowbirth weight babies
children with GAgP are more pron to
- ear
- skin
- upper respiratory tract infections
Plaque accumulation is minimal
bone los is not super rapid
usually no accompanying infection
slight gingival inflammation
there is a defect in PMN chemotaxis and impaired phagocytosis in what percent of patients
Predominant bacteria in LAP
- Aa
- Prevotella intermedia
- Kikenella corrodens
- Campylobacter rectus
- Capnocytophaga
high numbers of what are in the subgingvial pocke associate with LAP which invade the soft tissue
what personce of LAP have hgih counts of Aa
90% must be on antiobiotics bc it's reaching the soft tissue
patient previously treated conventionally and do not respond favorable to therapy and are concidered to be resistant to tx
refractory Periodontitis
patient with poor compliance are termed
recurrent periodontitis
high numbers of which bacterias are found in refractory pd
- prevotella intermedia
- tannerella forsythensis
- fusobacterium nucleatum
- Porphyromonas gingivalis
Lesions of the PDL and adjacent alveolar bone may originate from interactions of the periodontium or tissues of the dental pulp. This is periodontitis associate with what?
Endodontic lesions
Which systemic diseases contribute to periodontitis
- familial or cyclic neutropenia
- down syndrome
- leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndromes
- papillon-Lefevre syndrome
- chediak-higashi syndrom
- histiocytosis syndromes
- glycogen storage disease
- infantile genetic agranulocytosis
- cohen syndrome
- ehlers-danlos syndrome
- hypophosphatasia
collective term for soft-tissue inflammation surrounding an inplant
peri-implant disease
term used to describe reversible inflammation in the gingiva around a functioning implant
peri-implant mucosititis
Tx of all types of periodontal diseases begins with
- oral hygiene care
- nonsurgical therapy
- smoking cessation
may be required for pocket elimination or reduction
periodontal sugery
Do patients with chronic periodontitis require systemic antibiotics?
In selected cases if the patient is having a difficult time with homecare, what may be implicated
mouthrinses (chlorhexadine)
do patients with aggressive periodontits require systemic antibiotic during scaling and root planing and periodontal surgery
why do patients with aggressive periodontitis require systemic antibiotic require med
bc 90% LAP paitients have so much Aa
What do to with diabetic patients who have PD
placed in a monitored oral health program that will take care of bothe the paitent's dental and general health.