pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of
latin form (-ial, -eal, (h. the char of = -alis))
-ile, -il
- pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of
- (-ilis)
- pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of
- (-aris)
- pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of
- (-inus)
-ic, -tic
- pertaining to, like
- (-icus, -ticus)
- pertaining to, connected with, having the character of
- (-arius)
-an, -ane
- pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the charater of
- (-anus)
like, having the shape of (-formis)
-ate (sometimes -ite)
having, having the shape of, characterized by having (-atus)
-(u)lent, -(o)lent
- full of, disposed of
- (-lentus)
- full of, having the character od
- (-ious,-eous, (h. the char. of = -osus, -us)
- belonging to, resembling
- (-aceus)
-ent/ -ant
- person who, that which
- equivalent to the english present participal ending -ing
- (ient/-iant)
- -ing = (-ens,-ans)
- able to be, able to, tending to
- (-ilis)
- VERB base attachement
-able,-ible **
- able to be, able to, tending to
- (-abilis, -ibilis)
If its followed by another suffix it turns into -abil and -ibil
ex abili + ity / ibili + ity
- tending to, inclined to
- (-idus)
- tending to, inclined to
- (-uus, -uosus)
Paranormal Activity?
- Pac-normal activity

Boo from mario
- Hes escaped the castle and entered your beverage

If you kill that hooker you can get yout money back XD