- Exchange of air, used to burn food as fuel
- Oxygen in
- Carbon Dioxide out
Taking in air
Letting out air
4 catogories of respiration
- Ventilation
- External respiration
- Transportation of oxygen
- Internal respiration
- First act in breathing
- Fills all space in lung with air
External respiration
Transfer of oxygen into blood strean through cell epithelium
Transportation of oxygen
Movement of oxygen through blood
Internal respiration
Oxygen enters the cell and used to make ATP
Carbon Dioxid removal
- Waste product
- Only removed by oxygen intake-no O2 become lactic acid
Nostral material and purpose
- Made of cartilage
- Makes air moist, warm, dry for body
- Filters with mucas to trap bugs
- Resingating chamber-amplifies sound
- Orfaction-senc of smell
Nasal hairs
- Filter
- Made of cilia
- Moves air in one direction
Infection of nasal cavity
Infection from nasal cavity infection, infects sinuses
Found in nasal mucas
Nasal Conchae
- Folds in nasal cavity
- Resingnates voice
Thachea rings
9 rings made of hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage
Thyroid catilage
Biggest ring, fusion of parts makes adams apple
Laryngeal Prominence
- Adams apple
- Fusion of thryoid cartilage
Vocal cord
- At juncution of trachea
- Closes and opens to make sound, vibrations
- Controled by brain, cerebral hemisphere
- Above vocal cords
- Inflammation=Larengitis
Thrachealis muscle
- In back of trachea
- 10-12 cen long
Outer most layer of rings of thrachea
Psuedostratified columnar epithelium
- Looks like two layers but only one
- Has cilia
- Inside layer of trachea
Cilia reflex
Cough-reflex brought on by irritation of cilia
Trachea layers
- Mucous membrane
- Submucosa
- Adventitia
Cartilage of thachea
Hyaline cartilage
Tubes of lungs
Bronchia-made of muscle
Cellular structures with air pockets
Junction or branch where thachea is split
Formed where thachea divides
Right lode of lung
- 3 lobes
- Superior lobe
- Middle lobe
- Inferior lobe
Left lobe of lung
- Has 2 lobes
- Superior lobe
- Inferior lobe
Terminal bronchiole
Tube made of muscle that leads to respiratory bronchioles which leads to alveoli
Respiratory bronchioles
Branch after terminal bronchiole that supports the alveolar sac
Alveolar duct
packed with aveolar sacks packed with aveoli
Alveolar sac
Packed with alveoli attached by aveolar duct to bronchiolos
Alveolar pores
Inside each alveoli
Dark area inside each alveolar duct
Alveoli sac job
- Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide through blood supply
- Sacs have alot of blood supply
Elastic fibers of alveoli
Elastic so they can move air by opening and closing
Aveoli wall
Made of scramus epitherlial cells-very thin layer that allows exchange or gases
Scramus epithelial walls
Very thin single layer so oxygen and cardon dioxide can slip through
Type 1 cell
- Angiotensin 1 converting enzyme "ACE"Controls blood pressure
Type 2 cell
- SurfactantReduces the surface tension of water
- Breaks hydrogen bonds in water to break up mucus so you can breath
Systic phybrosis
Thick mucus-no surfactant
External respiration
Movement of oxygen from lung cell to blood
Internal respiration
Movement of carbon dioxide from blood to lung cell
Immune cells-2 million come out of lungs that go into saliva and recyceled
Inflammation of parietal fluid in lung area-spreads to lung you get phnemonia
Visceral pleura
Surrounds lung
Branches of thachea
Branches in 23 places
Taking in air
Letting air out
Intrapleural pressure
756 mm Hg=4 below ATM
Intrapulmonary pressure
- 760mm Hg inside lung
- Shifts up and down only 1mm
Colapsed lung-no pressure in pleural cavity
Air gets in pleural cavity and accumulates in lung
Diaphragm movement
- External intercostals-muscles
- Moves up (inferiorly) when breathing in
- Moves down (superiorly) when letting out
Air flow and bronchial tube relation
- As tubes get smaller so does the amout of air flow
- Less volume more resistance
- Infant Respitory Disfunction Syndrom
- Sarfactant levels are low-lungs not fully formed-think mucus in lungs not broken up
Breaks down hydrogen bonds so water can pass through and break down mucus
Lungs are elastic and recoil-highly elastic better breathing
Osifacation of sternum
- Made of cartilage
- Becomes hard and thorax cant expand to breath
Tidal volume
500ml of normal air in or out
Inspiratory reserve volume
- 3100ml
- Deep breath-reserve volume
Expiratory reserve volume
- 1200ml
- Letting out a deep breath, pushing it all out
Residual volume
- 1200ml
- Remamains in lung
- Residual is always left in lung
Vital capacity
- 4800ml
- Total of inspiratory, tidal, expiratory volumes
- Not residual
Total lung capacity
- 6000ml
- All inspiratory, tidal, expiratory,residual volumes added up
Deap space
150ml of sir trapped in lung-even when dead
Minute ventilation
Total amount of air that goes in and out
Breathing rate
- 12 breaths per min
- 6 liters per min
Daltons Law
- Law of partial pressure
- Each element has its own pressure exserted
- Total pressure of system is the sum of each elements pressure exserted
Henery's Law
- Solubility of gas in liquid is directly proportional to its partial pressure
- The higher the partial pressure the more soluble it is
Oxygen toxcity
When O2 becomes "-" or a free racdical it becomes highly toxic to cell
Scuba diving problems
- Nitrogen builds up in blood
- Caused by no decompression
Nitrogen bubbles in blood that dont dissolve and collect in joints
Carbon Monoxide posioning
Hyperbaract chamber-oxygen forced into body to absorbe more to covert carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide which is less deadly
Ventilation perfusion
Air comes in and then goes into blood
Vasciolation relation to air intake
- Vasciolation goes up air intake goes up
- Vasciolation goes down air intake goes down
Oxygen bound protein
Hemoglobin-protein in blood
When hemoglobin is carring oxygen
When hemoglobin is not carring oxygen
Low oxygen in blood
Blue color no oxygen in blood
Hypoxia exmaples 4
- Anemia Hypoxia
- Ischemiac Hypoxia
- Histotoxic Hypoxia
- Hypoxemic Hypoxia
Anemic Hypoxia
Low RBC count-less oxygen being brought to cells
Ischemic Hypoxia
Any kind of Blockage that blocks the follow of oxygen rich blood
Histotoxic Hypoxia
Poisoning of tissue
Hypoxemia Hypoxia
Low oxygen partial pressure
Carbon Dioxide removal
- Most goes to RBC
- Some goes to plasma
RBC and carbon dioxide
- Enters RBC become and acid then Bicarbonate ion and leaves RBC as
- HCO3-
Chloride shift
HCO3- levels make plasma a - charge so CL- is sent back to RBC to counter act - charge
Globin chain
Starts exchage of O2 & CO2
Haldene Effect
When more carbin dioxide is carried in blood
Oxygen transfer to blood
- Most goes into RBC
- Alittle is dissolved in plasma
Bohr Effect
- Weakening of hemoglobin and oxygen bond
- Breaks them apart so oxygen can be used by cell
Carbomino Hemoglobin
When hemoglobin carries carbon dioxide
Breathing controled by
Cerebelum of brain-Pons region
Intercostal nerves
Makes chest box go up and down
Phrenic Nerves
Control the diaphram up and down
Hering Breur Reflex
Inflation Reflex-reflex to breath cant stop it
Low carbon dioxide-breath in bag
High carbon dioxide-hyperventilate
Inflamatory responce to alergie
Physicaly block bronchi
Cronic obstructed pulminary distress
Difficultly breathing
Obstructive emphasemia
- Alveoli start colapsing
- Barrel chest