Neuro Vocab

  1. Dysarthria
    slurred speech
  2. Echolalia
    automatic repetition of what another person says
  3. Hypophonia
    soft voice
  4. Bradykinesia/Akinesia
    • slow or no movement
    • Parkinson disease
  5. Masklike Facies
    • facial expressions characterized by wide-open, fixed, staring eyes caused by rigidity of the facial muscles
    • often seen in patients with Parkinson's Disease
  6. Dyskinesia
    • difficulty with movement
    • inability to perform voluntary movement
  7. Catechol O-methyltransferases (COMTs)
    enzymes that inactivate dopamine
  8. Reflex Arc
    closed circuit of spinal and peripheral nerves, requires no control by the brain
  9. Consciousness
    Cognitive Power
    • Counscious: reponsiveness of the mine to sensory stimuli
    • Alertness: ability to react to stimuli
    • Cognitive Power: ability to process the data and respond
    • Unconscious: depressed cerebral fxn, inability to respond to simuli
  10. Confusion:
    • Confusion: disorientation to time, place, person. may seem alert. Responses to simple Q maybe correct, complex Q incorrect.
    • Delirium: confusion, fear, agitation, hyperactivity, anxiety
    • Lethargy: limited spontaneous movements, sluggish speech, drowsy, fall asleep easily
  11. Obtunded:
    • Obtunded: limited response to environment, falls asleep unless given verbal/tactile stimulation
    • Stupor: response to vigorous stim only, return to unresponsive when stim is removed
  12. Coma:
    Persistent Vegetative State:
    • Coma: severelydiminished response or unconsciousness, cannot be aroused even by painful stimuli
    • Persistent Vegetative State: permanent loss of fxn of the cerebral cortex w/reflexive resposnes only
  13. Pronator Drift
    • assess cerebral motor or brainstem integrity
    • close eyes, hold arms perpendicular to body w/palms up for 15-30sec. Weak side starts to fall/"drift", palm pronates.
  14. Romberg Sign
    • problem with proprioception, testing equilibrium
    • Stand with arms at sides, feet/knees together, eyes open. Check for swaying.
    • Romberg sign is swaying with eyes closed but not when eyes are open.
    • (if both open and closed sway, prob is cerebellar)
  15. Babinski's Sign
    • dorsifexion of the great toe and fanning of the other toes.
    • abnormal if older than 2yr
    • pathologic, abnormal reflex indicative of CNS disease
  16. Clonus
    sudden, brief, jerking contraction of a musc or muscle group as in seizures
  17. Decortication:
    • Decortication: abn posture as seen in pt w/lesions that interrupt corticospinal pathway.
    • Arms, wrists, fingers flexed w/internal rotation
    • plantar flexion of legs
    • Decerebration: extension of arms and legs, pronations of the arms, plantar flexion, opisthotonos (body spasm in which body is bowed forward)
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Neuro Vocab
Neuro Vocab Test 4