
  1. Why is alcohol not considered
    to be a nutrient
    • Ethanol
    • Not considered a nutrient
  2. What is the energy equivalent
    of alcohol
    • Provides 7 kcals/gram
    • Empty caleries
  3. Why as alcohol been valued
    throughout history
    3% of total calories in typical North Americandiet from alcohol14 million Americans suffer from alcoholism
  4. Where in the GI tract is
    alcohol absorbed
    • Mouth
    • Stomach
  5. What is the mechanism for
  6. What factors affect
    • Depends on rate of stomach emptying
    • Rate of absorption
    • o Wine > liquor > beer (slowest)
  7. Where is alcohol metabolized and what are the final
    end products of metabolism
    • Majority is metabolized by the liver – detoxification
    • Alcohol cannot be stored
    • Alcohol has priority in metabolism
  8. Where is alcohol found in the
    body after it is absorbed
    • Alcohol is found wherever water is found in the
    • body
    • Easily moves through the cell membrane (damaging
    • it)
  9. Give 4 reasons why women respond to alcohol
    differently than men
    • Hormons
    • weight
  10. What constitutes moderate drinking and what are the recommended maximum drinking limits

    • ·

    • Nondrinkers
    • o

    • Should not start drinking (for health)
    • ·

    • Moderation:
    • o

    • No more than 1 drink a day for women and older
    • adults
    • o

    • No more than 2 drinks per day for men
    • One drink:
    • o

    • 12 oz beer or wine cooler
    • o

    • 5 oz wine
    • o

    • 3 oz sherry or liqueur
    • o

    • 1.5 oz 80-proof distilled sprits
  11. List 5 benefits of moderate alcohol use
  12. List the major health risks associated with heavy drinking
    • Alcoholism
    • Cirrhosis
  13. Alcoholism
    • ·

    • Symptoms include trembling, slurred speech, sleep
    • problems, memory loss, unsteady gait
    • ·

    • Many experience more stress
    • ·

    • Intoxicated from smaller amount
    • ·

    • Interaction with medications
    • ·

    • Recommend no more than 1 drink per day
  14. Cirrhosis
    • ·

    • Fatty infiltration of the liver
    • ·

    • Increased synthesis of fat
    • ·

    • Enlarged fat cells
    • o

    • Choke off nutrient and O2 supply to
    • liver cells
    • o

    • Engorged fat cells burst and die
    • ·

    • Scar tissues
    • ·

    • 50% chance of death within 4 years
    • ·

    • Advanced stages are not reversible
    • ·

    • Destruction of vital tissues regardless of diet
  15. List factors contributing to the diagnosis of alcoholism
    • ·

    • Physiological dependence on alcohol
    • ·

    • Tolerance to the effects of alcohol
    • ·

    • Alcohol-associated illnesses (memory loss, liver
    • disease, etc.)
    • ·

    • Continued drinking in defiance of medical and social
    • contraindications
    • ·

    • Depression and blackouts
    • ·

    • Flushed face/reddened skin
  16. Describe what is meant by CAGE Screening
    • ·

    • C: Have
    • you ever felt you ought to cut down
    • on drinking?
    • ·

    • A: Have
    • people annoyed you by criticizing
    • your drinking?
    • ·

    • G: Have
    • you ever felt bad or guilty about
    • your drinking?
    • ·

    • E: Have
    • you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get
    • rid of a hangover? (As an eye-opener)
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