All pronouns are exeptions. The attributes agree with the head word in both case ending and number.
the head word is the object being discribed.
- Ex: täma iso talo
- tässä isossa talossa
- Ex: se musta auto
- siltä mustasta autosta
-si ending words
Ex: vesi
- -si changes to -de-
- Ex: vede-
-in endgind words
Ex: avain
- -in changes to -ime-
- Ex: avaime-
-is ending words
Ex: kaunis
- -is ending changes to -ii-
- Ex: kaunii-
-as ending words
Ex: vieras
- -as ending words change to -aa-
- Ex: vieraa-
-äs ending words
Ex: aräs
- -äs ending words change to -ää-
- Ex: arää-
-us ending words.
Ex: kokous
- -us ending words chang to -ukse-
- Ex: kokoukse-
-ys ending words
Ex: kehitys
- -ys ending words chang to -ykse-
- Ex: kehiykse-
-os ending words
Ex: kerros
- -os ending words change to -okse-
- Ex: kerrokse-
-ös ending words
Ex: nätyös
- -ös ending words change to -ökse-
- Ex: nätyökse-
-e ending words
Ex: kone
- -e ending words -ee-
- Ex: konee-
-nen ending words
Ex: nainen
- -nen ending words change to -se-
- Ex: naise-
-i ending words
there are 3 groups of i ending words that you just learn by use.
Ex: bussi, baari, posti (group 1)
Ex: suomi, jarvi, sormi (group 2)
Ex: pieni, suuri, moni (group 3)
- -i ending words change to -i- or -e- depending on the group
- Ex: bussi-, baari-, posti
- Ex: suome-, jarve-, sorme-
- Ex: piene-, suuri-, mone-
- there is no special rule as to how they fit into the groups. these are just learned as they are used.