Finnish rules

  1. All pronouns are exeptions. The attributes agree with the head word in both case ending and number.
    the head word is the object being discribed.
    • Ex: täma iso talo
    • tässä isossa talossa
    • Ex: se musta auto
    • siltä mustasta autosta
  2. -si ending words
    Ex: vesi
    • -si changes to -de-
    • Ex: vede-
  3. -in endgind words
    Ex: avain
    • -in changes to -ime-
    • Ex: avaime-
  4. -is ending words
    Ex: kaunis
    • -is ending changes to -ii-
    • Ex: kaunii-
  5. -as ending words
    Ex: vieras
    • -as ending words change to -aa-
    • Ex: vieraa-
  6. -äs ending words
    Ex: aräs
    • -äs ending words change to -ää-
    • Ex: arää-
  7. -us ending words.
    Ex: kokous
    • -us ending words chang to -ukse-
    • Ex: kokoukse-
  8. -ys ending words
    Ex: kehitys
    • -ys ending words chang to -ykse-
    • Ex: kehiykse-
  9. -os ending words
    Ex: kerros
    • -os ending words change to -okse-
    • Ex: kerrokse-
  10. -ös ending words
    Ex: nätyös
    • -ös ending words change to -ökse-
    • Ex: nätyökse-
  11. -e ending words
    Ex: kone
    • -e ending words -ee-
    • Ex: konee-
  12. -nen ending words
    Ex: nainen
    • -nen ending words change to -se-
    • Ex: naise-
  13. -i ending words
    there are 3 groups of i ending words that you just learn by use.
    Ex: bussi, baari, posti (group 1)
    Ex: suomi, jarvi, sormi (group 2)
    Ex: pieni, suuri, moni (group 3)
    • -i ending words change to -i- or -e- depending on the group
    • Ex: bussi-, baari-, posti
    • Ex: suome-, jarve-, sorme-
    • Ex: piene-, suuri-, mone-
    • there is no special rule as to how they fit into the groups. these are just learned as they are used.
Card Set
Finnish rules
rules for the nomativ case in Finnish