O2 starvation
- results in rapid cell death
- can result in a STROKE
- failure of either respiratory or cardiac system causes this
- passageway for food & air
- chamber for SPEECH production
- includes tonsils in the walls of pharynx
protect entryway INTO the body
extends from the LARYNX --> to T5 to the esophagus and then SPLITS into the bronchi
Trachea layers
- Mucosa layer: cilia & goblet cells
- submucosa
- hyaline cartilage: rings (last ring called CARINA)
- adventitia
- reestablishing airflow if airway is obstructed
- can be through incision if larynx obstructed
Obstructions that cause need for tracheostomy
- Crushing injury of LARYNX or chest
- SWELLING that closes airway
- VOMIT or foreign object
Alveolar ducts
Surrounded by Alveolar Sacs & Alveolie
Last ring of Hyaline Cartilage:
- Type I: where GAS XCHANGE occurs
- Type II: secrete alveolar fluid containing SURFACTANT (allows for alveoli to EXPAND and reduces surface tension)
- Alveolar DUST cells: macrophages that clean up the lungs
Forced (labored) Breathing
- INHALE: sternocleidomasteoid used (and pectorals, scalenes) to lift chest upwards as gasp for air
- EXHALE: abdomen forces diaphragm UP and intercostal ribs depress
Breathing patterns
Diaphragmatic breathing: descent of diaphragm causes stomach to BULGE during INhale
O2 transport in the blood
- OXYhemoglobin contains 98.5% chemically combined OXYGEN and HEMOGLOBIN - inside RBCs
- only dissolved O2 can be diffused into tissue
CO poisoning
- Hemoglobin heme group binds to CO with more affinity than O2
- Treated by administering pure O2 to compete with the CO for the spots on the heme group
CO2 Transport
- Carried by blood in 3 ways
- 1. Dissolved in PLASMA
- 2. Combined w/GLOBIN part of Hb molecule forming carbaminohemoglobin
- 3. Part of BICARBONATE ion: from CO2 + H20�which dissociates into H+ and bicarbonate ION
deficiency of O2, can be relieved by the enzyme erythropoietein which tells red bone marrow to produce more RBC's.
- 1. Hypoxic Hypoxia: LOW O2 pressure in arterial blood due to FLUID or OBSTRUCTIONS in lungs, or high altitude
- 2. Anemic Hypoxia: Too little fxning Hemoglobin (Hb): BLOOD affected, hemorrhage or anemia
- 3. Ischemic Hypoxia: blood flow is too LOW: HEART affected
- 4. Histotoxic Hypoxia: cyanide poisoning blocks O2 usage
Disorders of respiratory system
- Asthma
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: emphysema, chronic bronchitis, Lung CANCER
- Pulmonary Edema
- Cystic Fibrosis: no expansion or contraction of lungs due to HARDENING