UIL Vocabulary 4

  1. Don Juan
    • 1. a legendary spanish nobleman famous for his many seductions and dissolute life.
    • 2. a libertine or rake.
    • 3. a ladies' man; womanizer.
    • 4. ( italics ) an unfinished epic satire (1819–24) by Byron.
  2. drugget
    • 1. Also called India drugget. a rug from India of coarse hair with cotton or jute.
    • 2. a fabric woven wholly or partly of wool, used for clothing

    Middle French droguet worthless stuff (textile
  3. ectogenous
    growing outside the body of the host, as certain bacteria and other parasites.
  4. ecumenism
    ecumenical (general; universal) doctrines and practices, especially as manifested in the ecumenical movement (among Protestant groups since the 1800s, aimed at achieving universal Christian unity).
  5. effusion
    • 1. the act of effusing or pouring forth.
    • 2. something that is effused.
    • 3. an unrestrained expression, as of feelings: poetic effusions.

    < Latin (fusion)
  6. egotism
    • 1. excessive and objectionable reference to oneself in conversation or writing; conceit; boastfulness.
    • 2. selfishness; self-centeredness

    < Latin ego ego + -ism; -t- perhaps after despotism, idiotism
  7. elation
    a feeling or state of great joy or pride; exultant gladness; high spirits.

    < Latin ēlātiōn- (stem of ēlātiō )
  8. eldritch
    eerie; weird; spooky

    earlier elrich, equivalent to Old English foreign, strange, uncanny; Runic Norse alja-marki r foreigner
  9. embarrassment
    < French embarrassement
  10. encephaloma
    • Pathology .
    • 1. a brain tumor.
    • 2. hernia of the brain.
  11. enfant terrible
    • French .
    • 1. an incorrigible child, as one whose behavior is embarrassing.
    • 2. an outrageously outspoken or bold person who says and does indiscreet or irresponsible things.
    • 3. a person whose work, thought, or lifestyle is so unconventional or avant-garde as to appear revolutionary or shocking.
  12. entombment
    • 1. to place in a tomb; bury; inter.
    • 2. to serve as a tomb for

    < Middle French
  13. epigrammatize
    • 1. to express in epigrams (any witty, ingenious, or pointed saying tersely expressed)
    • 2. to make epigrams about (a person or thing).

    < Greek epigrammatízein
  14. epinephrine, epinephrin
    • 1. Biochemistry . a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla upon in response to stress, as anger or fear, and acting to increase heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, and carbohydrate metabolism.
    • 2.
    • Pharmacology . a commercial form of this substance, extracted from the adrenal glands of sheep and cattle, or synthesized: used chiefly as a heart stimulant, to constrict the blood vessels, and to relax the bronchi in asthma.

    Greek nephr ( ós ) kidney
  15. equerry
    • 1. an officer of a royal or similar household, charged with the care of the horses.
    • 2. an officer of the British royal household who attends the sovereign or other member of the royal family.

    alteration (influenced by Latin equus horse) of earlier esquiry, escuirie < Middle French escuirie stable
  16. euphemize
    to refer to by means of euphemism (the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt)

    < Greek euphēmízein to use words of good omen
  17. euphuism
    • 1. an affected style in imitation of that of Lyly, characterized chiefly by long series of antitheses and frequent similes relating to mythological natural history, and alliteration..
    • 2. any similar ornate style of writing or speaking; high-flown, periphrastic language.
  18. evasiveness
    • 1. tending or seeking to evade; characterized by evasion
    • 2. elusive or evanescent

    < Latin to pass over, go out; to go, walk
  19. excrescence
    • 1. an abnormal outgrowth, usually harmless, on an animal or vegetable body.
    • 2. a normal outgrowth, as hair or horns.
    • 3. any disfiguring addition.
    • 4. abnormal growth or increase.

  20. exegetic
    of or pertaining to exegesis (critical explanation or interpretation of a text or portion of a text); explanatory; interpretative

    < Greek
  21. expeditionary
    pertaining to or composing an expedition
  22. expurgation
    • 1. to amend by removing words, passages, etc., deemed offensive or objectionable: Most children read an expurgated version of Grimms' fairy tales.
    • 2. to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.

    Latin, to clean out
  23. extremist
    • 1. a person who goes to extremes, especially in political matters.
    • 2. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.
  24. fanion
    a small flag, originally carried by military brigades, used by soldiers and surveyors as a positional marker.

    < French, diminutive of fanon
  25. fantastico
    • interjection
    • 1. fantastic.
    • –noun
    • 2. a very bizarre person.
  26. felinity
    • 1. belonging or pertaining to the cat family
    • 2. catlike; characteristic of animals of the cat family
    • 3. sly, stealthy, or treacherous.

    < Latin
  27. fiscal year
    any yearly period without regard to the calendar year, at the end of which a firm, government, etc., determines its financial condition.

  28. flame-retardant
    a compound used in cloth and plastic material to raise the ignition point of the material, thus making it resistant to fire.
  29. fluoridation
    the addition of fluorides to the public water supply to reduce the incidence of tooth decay.
  30. fortitudinous
    • –adjective
    • having or showing fortitude; marked by bravery or courage.

    < Latin fortitūdin-
  31. fractionalize
    to divide or splinter into fractions, sections, factions, etc.

    Late Latin, a breaking (in pieces)
  32. frenzied
    • 1. wildly excited or enthusiastic
    • 2. violently agitated; frantic; wild

    <Old French< Late Latin< Late Greek
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UIL Vocabulary 4