if needed assistance w/ resp rate use CPAP non invasive bc u want to minimize barotrauma
lower vt strategy
HFOV -- high freq oscillation ventilation
SRT -- surfactant replacement therapy -- dec surface tension
what is BPD/CLD
bronchopulmonary dysplasia/ chronic lung disease
--it is a result from the adverse effects of mech vent
what are the adverse effects of mech ventilation
extensive lung injury by barotrauma (which is caused by pressure)
volume trauma (which is from excessive volumes)
how do you treat BPD
prevention/ treatment is low vt strategy -minimize barotrauma
surgactant replacement therapy
close PDA is the number one (patent ductus arteriosus)
ECMO -- having severe oxygenation issues
nitric oxide
vitamin A
what are the typical blood gases you will see in a pt w/ BPD (chronic lung disease
copd gases of
- inc paco2
-inc bicarb
-dec paco2
what is ROP
it is the constriction of the blood vessels -- too much oxygen causing the retina blood vessels to contrict. the blood vessels die and form a scar in the lens of the eyes and this is how the blindness occurs
how can you prevent ROP
use very cautious oxygen -- the more premature they are the higher the incidense of ROP
(need to set spo2 high alarm)
which neonate are at the greatest risk for developing ICH/IVH? (intraventricular hemorrhage/intracranial hemorrhage)
less than 32 weeks gestation and less than 1500 grams
what is the most common cause of IVH/ICH
prematurity of the CNS (central nervous sys--meaning the head)
what is PIE
pulmonary interstitial emphysema --this is an air leak syndrome -- where the air escapes into the pulmonary interstitium
how do you treat PIE
HFOV-- high freq oscillation ventilation
--done by using lower vt strategy bc inc pressure will worsen it. this is what caused PIE in the 1st place
what are the complications associated w/ o2 administration
knocking out the respiratory drive
nitrogen washout (need to know) --leads to absorption atelectasis
what is a quick method used to diagnose pneumothorax in neonates and young infants