Define Arteriosclerosis
- associated with aging
- Decreaes elasticity
- vessel wall becomes hard and thick
- lumen narrows
Define Artherosclerosis
- associated with elevated reisk factor and a factor in many cases of CAD
- defpositys of lipid, cells, fibrin form and plague called an atheroma
- Lumen progressively narrows....ischemia
- Increases risk of PVD, MI, CVA
- Etiology: elevated cardiac risk factors also hypertension and use of oral contraceptives
- Diagnosis: erum lipid levels HDL lower than 35 LDL greater than 100
- Treatment: Diet control, Exercise, Weight Reduction, antigoaguland medications
- If advanced it may require surgery
- If not treated can reuld in stroke, ME or peripheral arterial disease
Surgery Options for Atherosclerosis
- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
- PTCA (balloon angioplasty)
- Stent
- Laser
Define Angina
- partial occlustion of the coronary arteries leads to ischmeia during times of high oxygen need
- An imbalance between o2 supply and demand
- Diffenrent Patterns: classic ecertional, Varlant (vasospasm), unstable
Angina Etiology, Precipitating Factors S&S and Treatment
- Etiology: atherosclerosis vasospasm, myocaridal hypertrophy, severe anemia, respirtaory disease
- Precipitating Factors: exertion, stress, cold, large meal
- S&S: recurrent intermittent chest pain, may see pallor, diaphoresis, nausea. last for a nre seconds or minutes when the pt rest it goes away
- Treatment: Eliminate the triggering factor, Nitroglycerin
Implications for Therapy with Angina
Exerice helps to reduce the risk factors but pt need to be monitored carefully
Myocardial Infarction Definition and Etiology
- Coronary Obsrtrucion leading to prolonged ischemia and cellular death
- Etiology: Thrombus builds up to completely occlude a coronary artery, vasospams and partial occlucion by atheroma, thrombus breaks free embolus travels to one of the coronary arteries
What happen on the tissue level?
- inflammtiona - necrosis, area of necrosis is replaced by fibrous tissue (scar). scar is non contractile
- Enzymes are released which are helpful in making the diagnosis
- Severe chest pain that persists, LUE pain , neck, jaw, SOB, increased HR, weakness, sweaty, nausea
- rest and nitro have no effect
Diagnosis of MI
- EKG charnges: T wave inversion, ST elevation and abnormal Q
- Serum enzymes
- Further studies if need to know exten and prevent
Complications and Treatment for ME
- Complications: arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, death
- cardiogenic shouck wtih prolong period of decreased O2 to the brain
- Treatment: thrombolytic mediation, administered within first hour
- Rest, O2 therapy, pain meds
- Anti-coagulant meds, other med to control cardiac function
- Then refer to cardic rehab
Role of Therapy with MI
- Pt ed (pt is often very scared)
- Gradual return to exercise/activity in a monitored environment
Normal Heart Conducation Path
SA- AV- Bundle Branches - Purkinje Fibers - contraction
General Causes of Arrhythmias
damge to some aspect of the conduction system or sytemic cuase such as electolyte imbalance, high fever, hypoxia, stress, infection, drug toxicity (caffeine)
List the 4 different types of arrhythmias
- Sinus node
- Atrial conduction
- AV node (heart blocks)
- Ventricular conduction
Define Bradycardia
A rate of less than 60 beats per minute
Define Tachcardia
A rate of greater than 100-160 beats per minute
Define Sick Sinus Syndrome
Altering tachycardia/bradycardia
Define Premature Atrial Contractions
Extra contraction ectopic beats taht originate from an ectpic foci or teentry of an impulse that goes through damaged tissue
Define Atrial Flutter
160-350 bmp
Define Atrial Fibrillation
greater than 350bpm
Heart Block
- Conduction is excessively delayed or stopped athe the AV node or bundle of His
- Patrial block: 1st degree, prolonged PR 2nd degree periodic missed ventricular contraction
- Total Block: vetricales beat independent of the atria, very slow HR(30-45bpm), 3rd degree greatly reduced Do, fainting< may prdceed to cardiac arrest
Bundle Branch Block
- interference with conduction at one of the BB;s
- Wide QRS
Define Ventricular Tachycardia
fast ventriucle beats: can progress to v fib and cardiac arrest
Define Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC)
- ectopic beats from the ventricle
- occasional PVC's are ok but when frequent or paired can proceed to V fib
Cardiac Arhythmia Diagnosis, and Treatment
- EKG, Holter monitor
- Treatment:
- Medication -antiarrhythmia meds
- Pacemaker- Temp or permanent
- Heart is unable to meet metabolic demands of the body
- Etiology: usually due to other problems: MI, valves, pulm disease ect
- Startes as a unilateral problem usually on the let but can progress to right side
General Signs and symptoms of CHF
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Dyspnea
- Exercise and cold intolerance
Left CHF
- Dyspnea (increase activity with breathing)
- Orthopnea (dificulty breathing in supine or when flat)
- Pulmonary edema
- rales, cough
- Easier to sleep with the head up
Right CHF
- Dependent edema
- Hepato and splenomegaly
- Ascites-abdominal distention with fluid
- Flushed face, distended veins
- Headache, vision problems
Diagnosis of CHF
- xray: cardiomegaly, fluid in lugs
- ABG's: anoxia
- Arterial pressures: measured with catheters at specific locations
Treatment of CHF
- Medical Management: treatment of the underlying coustes
- Implications for functional activites
- Monitor closely for signs of cardiac distress
- avoid excessive fatigues, stress, studden exertion
- Modify lifestyle, take meds
Children with CHF
- Etiology: accompandies congenital heart defects
- Symptoms: feeding problems, decreased weight gain
- Decreased ability to sleep
- Cough rapid grunting respiration wheezing
- Treatment: Goal is to decrease workload on heart
- similar to adult treamtnet but need to be monitored closely as the grow( meds surguys supportive care)
Congenital Heart Defects Description, etiology and compensation mechanisms
- developmental defects that arises in the first 8 wks of gestation
- Etiology:
- multifactorial - influenced by genetic and prenateal environment
- Addociated with down syndrom, Fetal alcohol syndrome maternal diabetes
- Compensaion mechanisms: SNS kick in, HR increasesm, RR increases but this in ineffective over time
Congenital Heart Defects S&S
increased HR, DOE, tachypnea, clubbed fingers, exercise & cold intolerance
Diagnosis and Treatment for Congenital Heart Defects
- Diagnosis: varies, Xray, cardiac cath, echo, EKG
- Treatment: Meds, surgery, Supportive care
- Therapy, NICU careful monitoring
Define Centricular Spectal Defect
Hole in the heart
Define Valvular Defects
- most common- aortic, pulmonay
- types- stenosis, incompetence, prolaspse
Define Tetralogy of Fallot
Combination of 4 defects: pulmonayr valve stenosis, ventricular septal defect, dextraposition of aorta, R ventricular hypertrophy
Describe Rheumatic Fever and the 3 types
- follwing and infection antibodies form then react with connective tissue in the skin joints brain and heart. Set up infection & inflammation
- Pericarditis: inflammation of out layer, may include effusion
- Myocarditis: heart muslce may interfere wiht conduction
- Edocarditis: affects the valves, mostcommon problem with rheumatic fever, valves become edematous and develop vegetations affects heart function
Rheumatic fever S&S, Diagnosis, and Treatment
- S&S: Low grade fever, leukocytosis, malaise, anorexia, fatigue, tachycardia, epistaxis, abdominal pain
- Diagnosis: Blood test anemis, decrease heart function tests, EKG changes
- Treatment: Antibiotics, future strep infection proptly treated, valve replacement
- Proohylactic peniceillin prio to invasive procedures
Infective Endocarditis Pathophysiology and Etiology
- Patho: organism envades the heart valves
- Organism causes inflammtion and formation of vegetation on the cusps
- Interfere with opening/ closing of the valves
- Pieces may break away forming emboli that cause infaction/ infarction of other tissues
- Etiology: predisposing factions: abnormal tieeus in the heart presence of microes inthe blood reduced host defenses
Infective Endocarditis S&S and Treatment
- S&S: heart murmur and other signs or impaired heart function
- Subacute: insidious onset, intermittent low grade fever/fatigue anorexia, splenomegaly, osler's nodes on fingers septic emboli from vegatations can cause additional problems CHF can develop in severe cases
- Acute: sudden marked onset with spiking fever chills drowsiness if heart valves are severely damages can reult in severe impairment of heart function
- Treatment: antibiotics for a minimum of 4 weeks otehr medicaiton to support hear function