During the middle stages of reco very when syndergies are strongest, primitive or tonic reflex patterns may appear in a relatively pure form:
- Movmt of the head will elicit a (STNR) w/ ext of the arms and ext of the legs following neck ext.
- Movmt of the head will elicit a (ATNR) with ext of the left arm and leg w/ neck rotation to the left side, right side moves into flex.
- Normal mvmt does not occur w/o integration of reflexes.
- Babinski reflex is produces by stoking the dorsal portion of the foot from heel to toe producing ext of the big toe and spreading of the toes instead of flex.
- Associated reaction are also commonly present. These consist of abnormal, automatic responses of the involved limb, resulting from actions occurring in some other part of the body, (yawning, sneezing, coughing and stretching)
Synergy patterns of the extremities are
- stereotyped, primitive movement patterns with the presence of spasticity.
- They're elicited reflexively as associated reactions/during voluntary movement
- There are two basic patterns for each extremity; a flexion paperrn and and extension pattern
Flexion synergy patterns in the upper extremities are exhibited by the following postions:
- Shoulder Girdle-retraction and elevation
- Shoulder-abduction and external rotation
- Elbow-flexion
- Forearm-supination
- Wrist-Flexion
- Finger-Flexion
Flexion synergy patterns in teh lower extremities are exhibited by the following positions:
- Pelvic-retraction
- Hip-flexion, abduction, and external rotation
- Knee-flexion
- Ankle-dorsiflexion and inversion
- Toe-extension
Extensor synergy patterns in the upper extremities are exhibited by the following positions:
- Shoulder girdle-protraction or fixation
- Shoulder-adduction and internal rotation
- Elbow-extension
- Forearm-pronation
- Wrist-flexion
- Finger-flexion
Extensor synergy patterns in the lower extremities are exhibited by the following positions:
- Pelvic-retraction
- Hip-extension, adduction, and internal rotation
- Knee-extension
- Ankle-plantarflexion and inversion
- Toe-Flexion