Skin Lesions

  1. Shapes of Lesions:
    Solid appearance-no cental clearing
  2. Shapes of Lesions:
    Round w/central clearing (tinea corporis)
  3. Shapes of lesions:
    Pink macule with purple concentric ring (erythema multiforme)
  4. Shapes of lesions:
    Snakelike appearance
  5. Patterns of lesions:
    Single lesion-demarcated lesions that remain separate (insect bite)
  6. Patterns of lesions:
    Lesions that bunch together in little groups (herpes simplex, impetigo)
  7. Patterns of lesions:
    Annular (round w/central clearing) lesions that come in contact w/one another as they spread (tinea corporis)
  8. Patterns of lesions:
    Lesions that merge and run together over large areas (pityriasis rosea)
  9. Patterns of lesions:
    Lesions that form a line (poison ivy)
  10. Patterns of Lesions:
    Lesions following a nerve (herpes zoster)
  11. Patterns of lesions:
    Lesions that are scattered all over the body (herpes varicella)
  12. Describe a Macule:
    Give an example:
    • A flat, circumscribed area that is a change in color of the skin <1cm
    • Freckles
    • flat moles (nevi)
    • petechiae
    • measles
    • scarlet fever
  13. Describe a Papule/give examples:
    • An elevated, firm, circumscribed area <1 cm
    • wart
    • elevated moles
    • skin tag
    • cherry angioma
  14. Describe a patch/give examples:
    • A flat, nonpalpable irregular-shaed macule >1cm
    • Vitiligo
    • port wine stains
    • cafe-au-lait spots
  15. This primary skin lesion is elevated, firm and rough w/a flat top surface >1cm
    • Plaque
    • psoriasis
    • eczema
    • actinic keratoses
  16. Elevated irregular-shaped area of cutaneous edema, variable diameter
    • Wheel
    • insect bites
    • allergic reaction
    • uticaria
  17. This primary skin lesion is elevated, firm, circumscribed, deeper in dermis than a papule; 1 to-2 cm
    • Nodule
    • dermatofibroma
    • melanoma
    • hemangioma
    • neurofibroma
  18. Primary skin leasion elevated and solid. May or may not be clearly demarcated; deeper in dermis; >2cm
    • TUMOR
    • neoplasms
    • lipoma
    • hemangioma
  19. Primary skin lesion: elevated, circumscribed, superficial, not into dermis; filled w/serous fluid; >1cm
    • vesicle
    • Varicella (chickenpox)
    • herpes zoster (shingles)
    • impetigo
    • acute eczema
  20. Primary skin lesion: Vesicle >1cm
    • BULLA
    • blister
    • pemphigus vulgaris
    • lupus
    • impetigo
    • drug reaction
  21. Primary skin lesion: Elevated, superficial; similar to vesicle but filled w/purulent fluid
    • Impetigo
    • acne
    • folliculitis
    • herpes simplex
  22. Primary skin lesion: Elevated, circumscribed,
    encapsulated lesion; in dermis or subcutaneous layer; filled w/liquid or semisolid material
    • CYST
    • sebaceous cyst
    • systic acne
  23. Secondary lesions:
    Heaped-up keratinized cells, flaky skin
    • SCALE
    • seborrheic dermatitis following scarlet fe
    • eczema
    • xerosis
  24. Secondary lesion:
    Rough, thickened epidermis secondary to peristent rubbing, itching or skin irritation: often involves flexor surface of extremity
    • chronic dermatits
  25. Secondary lesion:
    Irregular shaped elevated, progressively enlarging scar; grown beyond boundaries of the wound
    • KELOID
    • following surgery
  26. Secondary lesion:
    Thin to thick fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin following an injury or laceration to the dermis
  27. Secondary lesion:
    Loss of the epidermis; linear hollowed-out crusted area
    • abrasion or scratch, scabies
  28. Secondary lesion:
    linear crack or break from the epidermis to the dermis
    • athlete's foot
    • corner of mouth
  29. Secondary lesion:
    Dried drainage or blood; slightly elevated
    • CRUST
    • scab on abrasion
    • eczema
  30. Secondary lesion:
    Loss of part of the epidermis, depresser, moist, glistening, follows rupture of a vesicle or bulla
  31. Secondary lesion:
    loss of dermis and epidermis; concave
    pressure ulcer, syphlis chancre
  32. Secondary lesion:
    Thinning of the skin surface and loss of skin makings; skin appears translucent & paperlike
    • aged skin, striae
  33. Pressure ulcer stages:
    observable pressure-related alteration of intact skin: indicators may include changes in skin temp, tissue consistency, sensation. Persistent redness
    Stage I
  34. Pressure Ulcer stages:
    Partial-thickness skin loss involving epidermis, dermis or both. The ulcer is superficial and appears clinically as an abrasion, blister, or whallow crater.
    Stage II
  35. Pressure Ulcer stages:
    Full-thickness skin loss involving damage to or necrosis of subut tissue that may extend down to, but not through, underlying fascia. Manifests clinically as a deep crater w/or w/out undermining of adjacent tissue
    Stage III
  36. Pressure Ulcer Stages:
    Full-Thickness skin loss w/extensive destruction, tissue necrosis, or damage to muscle, bone, or supporting structures. Undermining and sinus tracts may also be associated.
    Stage IV
Card Set
Skin Lesions
Chapter 10 Lesions Health Assessment